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목록My english story/Vocabulary (62)
Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
grad(gree,gred,gress) 걸어가다(walk)/단계(grade) 566.grade : get good grades in science subjects 567.degrade : de(아래로)+grade,(downgrade) : degrade the value of the artwork 568.gradual : (gradually) : a gradual change in the climate 569.graduate : (graduation,undergraduate) : She's going to graduate from high school tomorrow. 570.gradation : the color gradations on the map 571.degree : obtain a doctor'..
fund(found) 바닥(bottom)/기반(base) 533.fund : (funding,defund) : manage a trust fund 534.fundamental : (fundamentally,fundamentalism) : the fundamental nature of causality 535.found : (founder,foundation) : The college was founded in 1670 536.profound : (profundity,profoundly) : have a profound effect on society fus 녹이다(melt), 붓다(pour) 537.fuse : (fusion) : The ear is the only sense that fuses an a..
firm 확실한(firm) 502.firm : (firmly) : a firm decision 503.confirm : con(완전히)+firm,(confirmation) : confirm a theory 504.affirm : af(~에)+firm,(affirmation,affiramative) : The government affirmed its support for social protection flect(flex) 구부리다(bend) 505.reflect : re(반대로)+flect,(reflection,reflective) : reflect the view of most members 506.deflect : de(떨어져)+flect,(deflection) : deflect attention ..
fa(fess) 말하다(speak) 467,fable : (fabulous) : enjoy reading Aesop's fables 468.fame : (famous) : Fame would be dependent on celebrity 469.fate : (fatal,fateful) : The sailor suffered a cruel fate 470.fairy : My son still believes the tooth fairy is real 471.infant : in(not)+fant,(infancy,infantile) : a program for infants under two 472.preface : The third edition contains a different preface 473...
dict(dic) 말하다(speak) 437.dictate : (dictation,dictator) : dictate the moral standards of society 438.dictionary : (diction) : check the dictionary for spelling 439.predict : pre(먼저)+dict,(prediction,predictable) : Scientists invent models, or theories, to predict the data 440.contradict : contra(반대로)+dict,(contradiction,contradictory) : The evidence contradicts the man's tearful testimony 441.ad..
cover 덮다(cover) 411.cover : (coverage) : cover tables with a protective cloth 412.recover : re(다시)+cover,(recovery,recoverable) : He'll still recovering from surgery 413.discover : dis(not)+cover,(discovery) : discover the cause of the accident 414.uncover : un(not)+cover : uncover widespread corruption in the police force crea 자라다(grow),만들다(make) 415.create : (creature,creative) : create a comp..
clos(clud) 닫다(close) 383.close : (closure,closing) : sitting too close to the monitor 384.closet : clos(닫다)+et(명접) : a closet full of new cloths 385.disclose : dis(not)+close(닫다),(disclosure) : disclose confidential information 386.enclose : en(안으로)+close, (enclosure) : enclose two letters of reference 387.conclude : con(완전히)+clude,(conclusion,conclusive) : conclude that the test result is relia..
cid : 떨어지다(fall) 355.accident : ac(~쪽으로)+cid+ent(명접), (accidental, accidentally) : I had a minor bike accident. 356.incident : in(안에)+cid+ent, (incidental, incidentally,incidence) : a serious shooting incident. 357.coincident : co(함께)+in(안에)+cid+ent,(coincide,coincidence) : This change was coincident with his birth 358.deciduous : de(아래로)+cid(던지다)+uous(형접) : deciduous trees such as oaks or maple..