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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 20 fund(found)바닥/기반,fus녹이다/붓다,gar(guar)덮다,gard(guard)지켜보다,gener(gen,gn)태생/발생/종류,gest(gist)운반하다(533~565) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 20 fund(found)바닥/기반,fus녹이다/붓다,gar(guar)덮다,gard(guard)지켜보다,gener(gen,gn)태생/발생/종류,gest(gist)운반하다(533~565)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 24. 00:30

Day 20.mp3

fund(found) 바닥(bottom)/기반(base) : (funding,defund) : manage a trust fund


534.fundamental : (fundamentally,fundamentalism) : the fundamental nature of causality


535.found : (founder,foundation) : The college was founded in 1670


536.profound : (profundity,profoundly) : have a profound effect on society


fus 녹이다(melt), 붓다(pour)

537.fuse : (fusion) : The ear is the only sense that fuses an ability to measure with an ability to judge


538.confuse : (confusing,confused,confusion) : We confuse means with ends


539.diffuse : (diffusion,diffuser) : Their ideas diffused to the rest of the world


540.infuse : (infusion) : Her success infused the team with new energy


541.refuse : (refusal) : refuse to answer the question


gar(guar) 덮다(cover)

542.garment : costly garments of Chinese silk


543.guarantee : The program guarantees employment after the training period


gard(guard) 지켜보다(watch out)

544.regard : (regarding,regardless) : Dreams have been regarded as prophetic communitions


545.guard : guard and maintain human progress : His aunt has been appointed as his legal guardian.


gener(gen,gn) 태생(born),발생(orgin),종류(kind)

547.generate : (generation,generative) : generate extra income


548.degenerate : (degeneration) : The protest degenerated into complete chaos


549.general : (generally,generalize) : My general impression of the hotel was good


550.generic : generic characteristics of counselling


551.generous : (generosity) : He has a very generous heart


552.gentle : (gently) : a gentle breeze from the sea


553.genius : This film is definitely a work of genius


554.ingenious : (ingenuity) : They've come up with an ingenious solution


555.genuine : (genuinely) : express genuine concern for refugees


556.gene : (genetic,genetics) : Genes would have changed during the human revolution


557.gender : gender discrimination at work


558.genocide : gen(o)+cide(죽이다) : be accused of genocide


559.homogeneous : (homogeneity) : culturally homogeneous groups


560.hydrogen : hydro(물)+gen,(oxygen,nitrogen) : drop a hydrogen bomb


561.pregnant : (pregnancy) : She's five months pregnant


gest(gist) 운반하다(carry)

562.gesture : a gesture of understanding


563.congest : (congestion) : Construction work was congesting the area


564.digest : (digestion,digestive0 : digest the sugar in cow's milk


565.register : (registration,registry) : register as a seller
