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목록My english story/Live English (44)
Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

Alex: Hey, did you hear about the office party next week? Sam: Who cares? I might not even go. Alex: It just sort of happened. The boss decided on a whim. Sam: That’s classic. He loves his last-minute plans. Alex: You’ve done enough planning for it, though. You should come. Sam: This is sick. I love how you always manage to convince me. Alex: How come you never want to join in? Sam: It figures! ..

Person A: Excuse me, are you in line? Person B: Yes, I’m in line. Person A: Do you have time today? I need to go to the city center. Person B: I will take this one. It’s about a ten-minute walk from here. Person A: That’s convenient. How much is a round trip ticket for the bus? Person B: You have to pay first at the machine over there. It takes about 20 minutes by car, but there’s nothing to wor..

Alex: “I’m on the phone. Can you please line up while I finish this call?” Jamie: “Sure, but I have no appetite these days to deal with this queue. I’ll be right there once you’re done.” Alex: “I’m about to leave the office now. It’s really touching how you always wait for me.” Jamie: “It’s moving, isn’t it? Sometimes, I’m about to cry seeing you work so hard. I ache all over just thinking about..

Scene: A bustling café in the heart of the city.Alex: “I’d like to cancel my order. I’m feeling a bit sluggish today.” Waiter: “Sure, no problem. I’ll have the same thing removed from your bill. Oh, and the lady over there had the same dish, it was epic!” Alex: “In that case, I’ll have the same as her. And excuse me, where is the restroom?” Waiter: “Just around the corner to your left. Can I get..

Scene: A bustling urban coffee shop with a mix of locals and tourists.Jordan: (trying to connect to Wi-Fi) “Excuse me, what’s the password for the Wi-Fi?” Barista: “It’s ‘CafeConnect’. By the way, do you speak English?” Jordan: “Yes, I do. I’m from the United States, it’s my first time here in Korea.” Barista: “Welcome! Would you like to have a seat? There’s a nice spot by the window.” Jordan: “..

Scene: A cozy café on a bustling city morning.Emille: (looking at the empty coffee pot) “Don’t even talk about it. We ran out of coffee.” Alex: “That was a close call with the last drop, huh?” Emille: “And she had a close call too, almost tripped over the rug.”(Alex turns down the music playing in the background.)Emille: “Thanks. Do you mind turning down the music? It’s easier to think. Could yo..

Alice: This is off the record, but I think the boss is planning a surprise party for the team. Bob: For the record, I’m not into surprise parties. Too much fuss. Alice: For the record, I think you’re making a mistake. They can be fun! Bob: Well, for the record, that has nothing to do with me. I’ll be on vacation then. Alice: That’s a hard pass for me; I can’t miss a good party. Bob: I’m down for..

Alex: “What’s the occasion?” Jamie: “It’s a surprise party for Sam. But something’s off. It doesn’t add up.” Alex: “Hmm, I’ll take your word for it. I’m out of the loop anyway.” Jamie: “Don’t worry, I will keep you in the loop.”Alex: “You do you. That’s lit.” Jamie: “Thanks! But I’m seeing red because of these decorations.” Alex: “I’m stuffed with all this party planning. Did you catch my drift?..