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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 18 fa(fess)말하다,fall(fail,faul)속이다/잘못,fare가다,fend때리다,fest기쁨,fid(fai,fy)믿다,fil실/선,fin끝내다/경계(467~501) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 18 fa(fess)말하다,fall(fail,faul)속이다/잘못,fare가다,fend때리다,fest기쁨,fid(fai,fy)믿다,fil실/선,fin끝내다/경계(467~501)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 23. 01:48

Day 18.mp3

fa(fess) 말하다(speak)

467,fable : (fabulous) : enjoy reading Aesop's fables


468.fame : (famous) : Fame would be dependent on celebrity


469.fate : (fatal,fateful) : The sailor suffered a cruel fate


470.fairy : My son still believes the tooth fairy is real


471.infant : in(not)+fant,(infancy,infantile) : a program for infants under two


472.preface : The third edition contains a different preface


473.confess : con(완전히)+fess,(confession) : He confessed his sins


474.professional : (profess,professor,profession) : get a professional opinion


fall(fail,faul) 속이다(deceive)/잘못(miss)

475.fallacy : (fallacious) : expose the fallacy of their ideas


476.false : (falsify,falsehood) : The assumption is false : (failure,failing) : The child fails to develop his math skills


478.fault : (faulty) : It's not your fault


fare 가다(go)

479.fare : business class fares


480.farewell : have a surprise farewell party


481.welfare : wel(잘)+fare : the welfare of its citizens


fend 때리다(strike)

482.defend : de(떨어져)+fend,(defence,defensive) : defend workers' right


483.fence : (fender) : a house with a green fence


484.offend : of(~에 맞서)+fend,(offense,offensive) : He offended her with his silly joke


fest 기쁨(joy)

485.festival : (festive) : sing and dance in the festval


486.feast : the traditional recipes for a Thanksgiving feast


fid(fai,fy) 믿다(trust)

487.confident : con(완전히)+fid+ent,(confidence) : She had become more confident and active : (infidelity) : the movie's fidelity to historical facts


489.federal : a study of the 1974 Canadian federal elections : (faithful) : I have great faith in his judgment


491.defy : de(떨어져)+fy,(defiance) : a mysterious illness which had defied the doctors


fill 실(thread),선(line)

492.filament : The filament is heated by an electric current


493.file : make a back-up file / file important documents


494.profile : a short profile of each candidate


fin 끝내다(end),경계(boundary)

495.fine : (finely) : The plan sounds fine / pay a fine for speeding : (finally,finalize,finalist) : the final decision whether to swallow or reject food : (financial) : She's an expert in finance


498.finish : (finite, infinite, infinity) : finish writing the speech


499.refine : (refinement,refinery) : Programmers are constantly refining software


500.confine : confine him to well-heated rooms


501.define : (definite,definitely,definition) : New media can be defined by four characteristics

