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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 17 dict(dic)말하다,doc가르치다,don(dot,dos)주다,equ같은,ess(sent)존재하다,estim평가하다(437~466) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 17 dict(dic)말하다,doc가르치다,don(dot,dos)주다,equ같은,ess(sent)존재하다,estim평가하다(437~466)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 21. 15:11

Day 17.mp3

dict(dic) 말하다(speak)

437.dictate : (dictation,dictator) : dictate the moral standards of society


438.dictionary : (diction) : check the dictionary for spelling


439.predict : pre(먼저)+dict,(prediction,predictable) : Scientists invent models, or theories, to predict the data


440.contradict : contra(반대로)+dict,(contradiction,contradictory) : The evidence contradicts the man's tearful testimony


441.addict : ad(~에)+dict,(addiction,addictive,addicted) : a recorvering drug addict


442.verdict : ver(진실한)+dict : The jury finally reached a verdict


443.dedicate : de(떨어져)+dict+ate,(dedicated,dedication) : dedicate his life to preserving nature


444.indicate : in(안에)+dic+ate,(indication,indicator) : signals indicating socially acceptable behavior


doc 가르치다(teach) : (doctorate) : go and see a doctor immediately / a doctor's degree in philosophy


446.doctrine : teach religious doctrine


447.document : (documentation,documentary) : attach documents to an e-mail


don(dot,dos)  주다(give)

448.donate : don(주다)+ate,(donator,donation) : All money raised will be donated to charity


449.pardon : par(완전히)+don : the power to grant pardons / I beg your pardon


450.anecdote : an(아닌)+ec(밖으로)+dote : He combined biographical anecdotes with critical comment


451.antidote : anti(대항하여)+dote : an antidote to this poison


452.dose : (dosage) : a dose of  medicine


equ 같은(equal)

453.equal : (equally,equality) : Everyone should be given an equal opportunity


454.equation : (equate) : I couldn't solve  this equation


455.equilibrium : equi+libr(양팔저울)+ium(명접),(equilibrate) : maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes


456.equivalent : (equivalence) : equivalent to 50% of their annual income


457.equivocal : equi(같은)+voc(목소리)+al,(equivocation,unequivocal) : issue an equivocal statement


458.adequate : ad(~에)+equ(같은)+ate,(adequacy,inadequate) : adequate funding for a technology initiative


ess(sent) 존재하다(be)

459.essence : (essential,essentially) : Their core essence has not been damaged


460.present : (presence,presently,presentation) : present my new idea to the company / I got this present from my friend yesterday


461.represent : re(다시)+pre(앞에)+sent,(representation,representative) : represent a meaningful achievement for the human rights movement


462.absent : ab(떨어져)+sent,(absence,absentee) : absent from the meeting


estim 평가하다(assess)

463.esteem : (esteemed) : enhance confidence and self-esteem


464.estimate : (estimated,estimation) : a rough estimate on the number of vistors


465.overestimate : overestimate the threat


466.underestimate : underestimate the importance of communication
