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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 21 grad(gree,gred,gress)걸어가다/단계,grat(gree,grace)기쁨/감사,grav(griev)무거운,hab(hib)가지다/잡다,hand손,hap운/우연(566~599) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 21 grad(gree,gred,gress)걸어가다/단계,grat(gree,grace)기쁨/감사,grav(griev)무거운,hab(hib)가지다/잡다,hand손,hap운/우연(566~599)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 24. 11:38

Day 21.mp3

grad(gree,gred,gress) 걸어가다(walk)/단계(grade)

566.grade : get good grades in science subjects


567.degrade : de(아래로)+grade,(downgrade) : degrade the value of the artwork


568.gradual : (gradually) : a gradual change in the climate


569.graduate : (graduation,undergraduate) : She's going to graduate from high school tomorrow.


570.gradation : the color gradations on the map : obtain a doctor's degree


572.ingredient : in(안으로)+gredi+ent : measure ingredients according to a recipe


573.agressive : (aggression,aggressively) : learn aggressive behavior from the media


574.congress : Congress will pass a budget resolution


grat(gree,grace) 기쁨(joy),기쁨을 주는(pleasing),감사(thanks)

575.gratitude : a letter of gratitude


576.grateful : grate(감사)+ful(가득한) : I'm very grateful for your support


577.gratify : (gratification) : be gratified to hear the news


578.congratulate : (congratulation) : congratulate him on his victories


579.agree : (agreed,agreeable,agreement,disagree) : We agreed on delaying the date


580.grace : (graceful,gracious,graceless) : She accepted the invitation with grace


grav(griev) 무거운(heavy)

581.grave : (gravely) : make a grave error


582.gravity : There is no gravity in space


583.aggravate : The plan would aggravate the situation


584.grieve : (grief) : grieve for the death of innocent citizens


hab(hib) 가지다(have),잡다(hold)

585.habit : (habitual) : the habit of reading newspapers


586.habitat : the polar bear's natural habitat


587.inhabit : (inhabitant) : Only 8 families inhabit the area


588.exhibit : (exhibition) : The Modern Pottery Museum exhibits collections of artistic ceramic works


589.inhibit : (inhibition) : Some foods and drinks inhibit growth in children


590.prohibit : (prohibition) : prohibit any cell phone use while driving


hand 손

591.handy : be handy to carry


592.handicap : (handicapped) : have a good showing despite handicap


593.handcuff : hand+cuff(채우다) : The police officer put handcuffs on the suspect


594.handful : a handful of sand


595.handle : Mature people know how to handle their frustration


596.beforehand : discuss sensitive issues beforehand


hap 운(luck), 우연

597.happy : (happily,happiness) : the happy faces of the students


598.happen : (happening) : Miracles happen only to those who belive in them


599.haphazard : hap(우연)+hazard(위험) : The decisions are taken in a haphazard way
