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목록My english story/Vocabulary (62)
Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
nav(nau) 배(ship) 808.nevigate : nav(배)+ig(운전하다)+ate,(navigation) : It helps you nevigate while driving 809.navy : My brother joined the Navy last year. 810.naval : an old naval base 811.nausea : (nauseous) : It may cause nausea and fever 812.nautical : (nautically) : obey nautical rules on a vessel under way neg(ne,ny) 아닌(not) 813.negative : (negate,negatively) : We need to curb our negative tho..
mort(murd) 죽음(death) 783.mortal : (mortality,immortal) : face mortal danger 784.mortgage : mort+gage(서약) : We're considering taking out a mortgage. / mortgage loan 785.mortify : (mortification,mortifying) : He was mortified at having to explain his secret past 786.murder : (murderer) : commit a murder mot(mob,mov,mom) 움직이다(move) 787.motive : (motivate,motivation) : They might have an ulterior mo..
merc(mark) 거래하다(trade) 754.merchant : merch(거래하다)+ant(~하는 사람) : Gregorio Dati was a successful merchant of Florence 755.merchandise : merch+and(~하는사람)+ise(동접),(merchandising,merchandiser) : deal in wool,silk, and other merchandese 756.commerce : (commercial,commercialize) : international commerce 757.market : (marketing,marketplace) : the flea market merg(mers) 빠지다,담그다(dip) 758.emerge : (emergen..
mater(matr) 어머니(mother) 722.matter : The size of the house didn't matter / as a matter of fact 723.material : mater(물질)+ial(명접),(materialism) : Material prosperity can help individuals attain higher levels of happiness 724.maternity : mater(n)어머니+ity(명접) : take maternity leave 725.matrix : emerge from a complex socio-cultural matrix 726.metropolis : metro어머니+polis도시,(metropolitan) : migration in..
loc 장소(place) 688.local : (locally,localize,localization) : The current local time in L.A. is 6:00 p.m. / The restaurant is well known by locals 689.locate : (location) : Our city has only one fire station located downtown. 690.allocate : (allocation) : Students will be allocated a desk 691.relocate : (relocation) : The community center will relocate to Main Street. long(ling) 긴(long) 692.long :..
leg 법(law) 655.legal : leg+al(형접),(legality) : get legal advice 656.legislation : leg(is)(법)+lat(제안하다)+ion(명접),(legislate,legislative) : the seat belt legislation 657.legitimate : leg(itim)+ate(형접) : These are legitimate concerns that many people share 658.legacy : She recieved a small legacy from her parents lev(lieve) 올리다(lift) 659.lever : (leverage) : pull the lever to start the machine 660.a..
journ 하루(day) 627.journey : A long, tough journey is ahead of me 628.journal : (journalist,journalism) : be published in a journal junct(join) 연결하다(join) 629.juncture : We are at such a critical juncture 630.conjunction : con(함께)+junct(연결하다)+ion : the conjunction of two events 631.join : (joint) : I'd like to join the school rock band just(jud) 올바른 632.just : (justly,justify,justice) : get a jus..
heal(hol) 완전한(whole) 600.heal : heal the wound, heal up(상처가 낫다) 601.health : (healthful,healthy) : Excessive sugar intake might endanger your health 602.whole : (wholly,wholeness) : He spent his whole life searching for the truth hered(herit,heir) 상속인(heir) 603.heredity : the role of heredity in personality development 604.heritage : The child acquires the heritage of his culture by observing an..