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목록My english story/Vocabulary (62)
Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
sens(sent) 느끼다(feel) 1043.sense : (sensitive,sensible,sensibility,nonsense) : have a strong sense of smell 1044.sensation : (sensational) : He had no sensation in his hand 1045.sensual : (sensuality) : sensual pleasures 1046.sentiment : (sentimental) : an intense sentiment of grief 1047.consent : (consensus) : a letter of consent from their parents 1048.resent : (resentful,resentment) : The boys..
rect(reg,rig) 똑바로하다(put straight)/바르게 이끌다(guide)/통치하다(rule) 1010.correct : (correction) : The correct answer was obvious 1011.direct : (directly,director,direction) : the direct and strong language 1012.directory : find a doctor's number in a telephone directory 1013.erect : (erection) : The memorial was erected after the accident 1014.rectangle : (rectangular) : simple shapes such as rectangles..
priv 떼어놓다(seperate) 983.private : (privately,privacy) : a market for private seed companies The sign said, 'private property" keep out! / a private conversation / her private thoughts and feelings 984.privilege : privi+lege(법률) : (underprivileged) : It was a privilege to meet him in person 985.deprive : de(완전히)+prive : (deprivation) : deprive him of the right to see his child prob(prov) 시험하다(tes..
polic(polit,polis) 도시(city) 955.police : The police should prevent crime 956.policy : develop social welfare policy 957.politics : (politic,political,politician) : She decided to go into politics 958.cosmopolis : cosmo(세계)+polis,(cosmopolitan) : the conditions of a modern cosmopolis popul(publ) 사람들(people) 959.populate : (population,populous) : a densely populated area 960.popular : (popularity,..
per 시도하다(try) 923.experience : (experienced,experiential) : What kind of work experience is required? 924.experiment : (experimental) : The experiment must be repeatable 925.expert : (expertise) : He is a computer expert 926.peril : (perilous) : face financial peril pet(peat) 찾다,추구하다(seek) 927.compete : (competent,competence,competitor,competitive,competition) : compete with the best players in ..
path(pat,pass) 느끼다(feel),고통을 겼다(suffer) 892.pathetic : path(et)+ic(형접),(pathos) : a pathetic little old dog 893.empathy : em(안에)+path+y(명접) : have an empathy for the poor 894.sympathy : sym(함께)+path+y,(sympathetic) : We have sympathy for the accident victims 895.antipathy : anti(대항하여)+path+y,(antipathetic) : antipathy to difficult cultures 896.patient : pati+ent(형접),(patiently,patience) : chroni..
par(pair) 동등한(equal) 869.compare : (comparison,comparative,comparable) : Comparing computers to humans can be confusing 870.par : (parity) : The player made par on the eleventh hole 871.pair : on pair of shoes para 옆에(beside) 872.parallel : (parallelism) : the parallel bars competition 873.paragraph : (paragraphic) : You should separate the paragraph when there is a change of topic 874.paraphras..
nutr(nur,nour) 양분을 주다(nourish), 돌보다(nurse) 837.nurtient : the essential nurtients in soil 838.nutirtion : (nutritional,nutritionist,malnutrition) : They are necessary for human nutrition 839.nurse : visit nursing homes 840.nursery : send a child to the nursery 841.nurture : (nurturer) : the best environment for nurturing plants 842.nourish : (nourishing,nourishment) : stimulate oil production an..