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목록My english story/Vocabulary (62)
Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
fore 미리,앞에(before) 1518.forefather : show respect to our forefather 1519.foresee : (foresight) : foresee natural disasters 1520.foretell : the ability to foretell the future 1521.forefinger : (thumb,middle finger,ring finger,pinky finger) : point a forefinger at the door 1522.forehead : He wiped the sweat of his forehead 1523.foremost : This is one of the foremost museums in Asia ante(ant,anc) 앞..
in(im,il,ir) 아닌(not) : incredible 믿을 수 없는 1487.incorrect : (incorrectly) : Your e-mail or password is incorrect. Please try again 1488.indefinite : in+definite(명확한),(indefinitely) : postpone a meeting for an indefinite period 1489.indirect : (indirectly) : regulate indirect advertisement 1490.indispensable : in+dispense(분배하다)+able : Water, light, and air are indispensable to plants 1491.ineffect..
un 아닌(not),반대(opposite) : unhappy불행한 1451.unfair : (unfairness) : It's unfair that you have to do all the work 1452.unequal : (unequally) : reinforce unequal relationships 1453.uncertain : (uncertainty,uncertainly) : live in difficult and uncertain times 1454.unsure : (unsureness,unsurely) : I was unsure about my ability 1455.unusual : (unusually) : show unusal behavior 1456.unnecessary : (unnec..
de 아래로(down), 떨어져(away), 아닌(not) : degrade (등급/지위를 낮추다) 1421.demolish : de+mol(짓다)+ish,(demolition) : The tower was demolished by the earthquake 1422.depreciate : (depreciation) : The value of the demostic currency depreciates rapidly 1423.desire : de+sire(별) : (desirable) : this ancient desire to live forever 1424.despise : de+spise(보다) : she despised gossip in any form 1423.decay : de+cay(떨어지다..
ad(a,ab,ac,ag,ap,ar,at)~에,~으로(to),~을 향하여(toward) : ahead 앞에 1394.adhere : ad(~에)+here(붙다),(adherence,adhesion,adhesive,adherent) : This paint adheres well to smooth surfaces / adhere to safety guidelines 1395.adjacent : ad(~에)+jac(눕다)+ent,(adjacency) : Their house is adjacent to the school 1396.adolescent : ad(~으로)+olesc(자라다)+ent,(adolescence) : the mental health problem of adolescents 1397.adop..
com(con,co) 함께(together) : combination 1369.combine : (combination) : You can combine two discount coupons 1370.compact : com+pact(묶다) : a compact car 1371.compile : com+pile(쌓다),(compilation) : compile a list of new words 1372.confront : con+front(이마를 맞대다) : confront a risk situation 1373.congregate : con+greg(무리)+ate,(congregation) : Crowds congregated in the street 1374.connect : (connection)..
out 밖으로(out),뛰어난(excelling) : outdoor 1336.outburst : out+brust(터지다) : a sudden outburst of anger 1337.outcome : (income) : achieve a satisfactory outcome 1338.outlet : seek an outlet for frustrations / a single outlet sink 1339.outlook : have a positive outlook on life / an outlook for investment in manufacturing 1340.outgoing : She has an outgoing personality 1341.outstanding : (outstandingly)..
in(im) 안에(in) : input 1307.income : Ben's annual income is around $40000 1308.intake : Food intake is essential for the survival of every living organism. 1309.insight : (insightful) : gain insights through journal-keeping 1310.inflow : the inflow of fresh water 1311.indoor : (indoors) : the harmful effects of indoor air pollution / an indoor swimming pool 1312.inborn : (acquired) : have an inbo..