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목록My english story/Vocabulary (62)
Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
pro 앞에(forth) protect(보호하다) 1284.pronoun : subjective personal pronouns 1285.prophet : pro+phet(말하다), (prophecy) : The prophet predicted the fire 1286.progress : pro+gress(가다), (progressive) : A lecture was in progress in the hall pre 미리(already), 전에(before) : preview 1287.previous : (previously) : compared to the previous year 1288.premature : (prematurely) : suffer from premature baldness 1289..
viv(vit) 살다(live) 1255.revive : (revival) : try to revive the economy 1256.survive : (survivor,survival) : survive in the wild 1257.vivid : (vividly) : She has vivid memories of that morning 1258.vital : (vitalize) : play a vital role in recovery 1259.vitamin : a good source of vitamin D / foods rich in vitamin C voc(vok,vow) 부르다(call),목소리(voice) 1260.voice : (vocal) : Hannah vaguely heard her m..
vent(ven) 오다(come) 1220.adventure : (adventurous) : go on an adventure 1221.venture : (venturous) : The project was a joint venture 1222.event : (eventful,eventual,eventually) : host a charity event 1223.invent : (inventive,invention,inventor) : invent a time machine 1224.prevent : (prevention,preventive) : It prevented gas from escaping 1225.convene : (convention,conventional) : The meeting wil..
tru 단단한(firm) 1187.true : (truth,truly) : reveal your true feelings 1188.trust : (trustful) : He betrayed my trust 1189.trustworthy : Most of the information is accurate or trustworthy 1190.entrust : One of my neighbors entrusted his dog to me 1191.distrust : (distrustful) : a deep distrust of the media tum(tom,thum) 부풀어오르다(swell) 1192.tumor : (tumoral) : a rare brain tumor 1193.tumult : cope wi..
test 증인,증언하다(witness) 1161.testify : (testimony,testimonial) : They need to testify at the trial. 1162.attest : (attestation) : attest the authenticity of the signature 1163.contest : (contestant) : win prizes at a number of invention contests 1164.detest : (detestation) : My younger sister detests rats 1165.protest : (protester) : join the non-violent protest text 천을짜다(weave) 1166.text : (textu..
techn 기술(technique) 1135.technique : (technical,technician) : a variety of insects' hunting techniques 1136.technically : They are technically still students 1137.technology : (technological) : develop new technologies tect 덮다(cover) 1138.detect : (detective,detection) : the failure to detect spoiled food 1139.protect : (protective,protection) : poison to protect themselves in the wild temper 섞다..
strict(strai(n),stress) 팽팽하게 당기다(tighten),묶다(bind) 1102.strict : (strictly) : strict hierarchical structures 1103.district : visit the financial district 1104.restrict : (restrictive,restriction) : measures to restrict the sale of toys 1105.strain : My eyes were strained from excessive computer work 1106.constrain : (constraint) : be constrained by budget 1107.restrain : (restraint,restrained) :..
simil(simul,sembl) 비슷한(like),함께(together) 1074.similar : (similarity,similarly) : share smililar belief 1075.assimilate : (assimilation) : assimilate into an alien culture 1076.simulate : (simulation) : simulate battle conditions 1077.simultaneous : (simultaneously) : simultaneous interpertation 1078.resemble : (resemblance) : She resembles her mother very closely 1079.assemble : (assembly) : Th..