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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 42. tru단단한,tum(tom,thum)부풀어오르다,turb(troub)어지럽히다/돌다,us(ut)사용하다,vac(van)비어있는,vad가다,val(vail)가치있는/힘있는(1187~1219) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 42. tru단단한,tum(tom,thum)부풀어오르다,turb(troub)어지럽히다/돌다,us(ut)사용하다,vac(van)비어있는,vad가다,val(vail)가치있는/힘있는(1187~1219)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 25. 17:47

Day 42.mp3

tru 단단한(firm)

1187.true : (truth,truly) : reveal your true feelings : (trustful) : He betrayed my trust


1189.trustworthy : Most of the information is accurate or trustworthy


1190.entrust : One of my neighbors entrusted his dog to me


1191.distrust : (distrustful) : a deep distrust of the media


tum(tom,thum) 부풀어오르다(swell)

1192.tumor : (tumoral) : a rare brain tumor


1193.tumult : cope with the tumult of emotions  /  in a tumult 


1194.tomb : Gold, jewels and other treasure were buried in the tombs


1195.thumb : My son sucked his thumb until he was nine


turb(troub) 어지럽히다(disorder),돌다(whirl)

1196.turbulence : an era of political turbulence in Europe


1197.turbine : the powerful turbine engines


1198.disturb : (disturbance,disturbing,disturbed) : Noise and bright light may disturb sleep


1199.trouble : (troublesome) : We were in trouble


us(ut) 사용하다(use)

1200.use : (usage,useful,useless) : You can use the delivery service.


1201.abuse : (abusive) : prevent child abuse


1202.misuse : misuse our ocean resources


1203.utilize : (utility,utilization) : utilize all this information


1204.utensil : stainless steel cooking utensils


vac(van) 비어있는(empty)

1205.vacate : (vacant,vacancy,vacation) : They were asked to vacate their rooms


1206.vacuum : Space is a vacuum


1207.evacuate : (evacuation) : All employees should evacuate immediately


1208.vanish : (vanishing) : She vanished without a trace


1209.vain : (vainly) : make a vain attempt


vad 가다(go)

1210.invade : (invasive,invasion) : Germs can invade plants, animals, and people


1211.evade : (evasion) : evade responsibility for storing seeds


1212.pervade : (pervasive) : A feeling of loneliness pervades the movie


val(vail) 가치있는(worth),힘 있는(strong)

1213.value : (valuable,devalue) : practice its moral value


1214.valid : (validate,validity,invalid) : present a valid ID


1215.valor : The warriors demonstrated their valor and pride


1216.ambivalent : (ambivalence) : Those fruits are ambivalent


1217.evaluate : (evaluation) : use technology to probe and evaluate the body


1218.available : (availability) : We have many seats available on that day


1219.prevail : (prevalence,pervalent) : Negative attitudes prevail among the scientists
