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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 43. vent(ven)오다,vert(vers,vor)돌리다,vest옷,via(vey,voy)길,vict(vinc)이기다(1220~1254) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 43. vent(ven)오다,vert(vers,vor)돌리다,vest옷,via(vey,voy)길,vict(vinc)이기다(1220~1254)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 27. 14:29

Day 43.mp3

vent(ven) 오다(come)

1220.adventure : (adventurous) : go on an adventure


1221.venture : (venturous) : The project was a joint venture


1222.event : (eventful,eventual,eventually) : host a charity event


1223.invent : (inventive,invention,inventor) : invent a time machine


1224.prevent : (prevention,preventive) : It prevented gas from escaping


1225.convene : (convention,conventional) : The meeting will convene on Monday


1226.intervene : (intervention) : intervene in a dispute


1227.venue : the most popular venue for wedding receptions


1228.avenue : a broad avenue lined with trees


1229.revenue : the company's expenses and dwindling revenue


1230.souvenir : It's a souvenir from my trip to Germany


vert (vers,vor) 돌리다(turn)

1231.advertise : (advertiser,advertisement) : The film was advertised well enough


1232.avert : (avertible) : avert economic collapse


1233.convert : (convertible) : The sofa was converted into a bed


1234.controvert : (controversy,controversial) : He failed to controvert any particular allegation


1235.introvert : an introvert by nature


1236.pervert : (perversion) : Those newspapers perverted the truth.


1237.converse : (conversation) : I was conversing with my client


1238.diverse : (divert,diversity,diversion,diversify) : the harmony of the diverse cultures


1239.reverse : (reversible) : The situations were reversed


1240.vortex : a swirling cloud vortex


vest 옷(garment)

1241.vest : wear a wool vest


1242.divest : (divestiture) : The company had to divest assets


1243.invest : (investment) : invest in real estate


via(vey,voy) 길(way)

1244.via : I arrived in London via Moscow


1245.deviation : (deviate) : There have been slight deviations


1246.convoy : messages that maps can convey : (voyager) : his second voyage to America


1248.envoy : the UN's special envoy


vict(vinc) 이기다(conquer)

1249.victory : (victorious) : their 2 to 1 semifinal victory


1250.convict : (conviction) : The man was convicted on fraud charges


1251.evict : (eviction) : Some tenants were evicted from the building.


1252.convince : (convincible) : The food company failed to convince consumers


1253province : (provincial) : Quebec is the largest province in Canada


1254.invincible : (invincibility) : The tennis player has been invincible on the court for 7 years
