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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 45. pro앞에(forth),pre미리/전에,re뒤도/다시(1284~1306) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 45. pro앞에(forth),pre미리/전에,re뒤도/다시(1284~1306)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 29. 12:28

Day 45.mp3

pro 앞에(forth)  protect(보호하다)

1284.pronoun : subjective personal pronouns


1285.prophet : pro+phet(말하다), (prophecy) : The prophet predicted the fire


1286.progress : pro+gress(가다), (progressive) : A lecture was in progress in the hall


pre 미리(already), 전에(before) : preview

1287.previous : (previously) : compared to the previous year


1288.premature : (prematurely) : suffer from premature baldness


1289.prehistoric : (prehistory) : visit the Prehistoric Museum


1290.prepay : (prepaid,prepayment) : prepay for a room on the hotel's website


1291.predetermine : (predetermination) : predetermine an answer to the offer


re 뒤로(back)/다시(again) : refill

1292.remain : (remainder,remaining) : She wished all the memories would remain in her mind forever


1293.recline : (recliner) : recline comfortably on a sofa


1294.regress : (regression,regressive) : regress to a child state


1295.revert : re+vert(돌리다) : revert to the original plan


1296.retract : re+tract(끌다) : (retraction,retractable) : Cats can extend and retract their claws


1297.revoke : re+voke(부르다) : Once you've reissued your certificate, you should revoke your old certificate


1298.return : I'm here to return this book


1299.reconcile : re+con+cile(부르다), (reconciliation,reconcilable) : reconcile with her boyfriend


1300.recruit : re+cruit(성장하다), (recruiting,recruitment) : recruit future leaders


1301.recycle : (recyclable,recycling) : recycle paper and cans


1302.renew : (renewal,renewable) : renew an expiring passport


1303.retail : (retailer) : start a retail business


1304.replace : (replacement,replaceable) : replace an old computer with a new one


1305.replenish : re+plen(채우다)+ish,(replenishment) : replenish the refrigerator with food 


1306.reproduce : (reproduction,reproductive) : His character is perfectly reproduced in the book
