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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 41 test증인/증언하다,text천을짜다,tom자르다,ton(tun)소리,tort(tor)비틀다,tribut할당하다/내다(1161~1186) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 41 test증인/증언하다,text천을짜다,tom자르다,ton(tun)소리,tort(tor)비틀다,tribut할당하다/내다(1161~1186)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 24. 18:50

Day 41.mp3

test 증인,증언하다(witness)

1161.testify : (testimony,testimonial) : They need to testify at the trial.


1162.attest : (attestation) : attest the authenticity of the signature


1163.contest : (contestant) : win prizes at a number of invention contests


1164.detest : (detestation) : My younger sister detests rats


1165.protest : (protester) : join the non-violent protest


text 천을짜다(weave)

1166.text : (textual,textbook) : It contains images, sound and text


1167.texture : (textural) : the texture of silk


1168.textile : They exported the finest textiles


1169.context : (contextual) : the historical context  of the atrworks / understand the context


1170.pretext : as a pretext for working together


tom 자르다(cut)

1171.atom : a(not)+tom : (atomic,atomize) : The hydrogen atom is the simplest atom


1172.anatomy : (anatomic) : The man knew nothing about anatomy


ton(tun) 소리(sound)

1173.tone : in a surprised tone of voice / a pale skin tone


1174.intonation : the right pronunciation and intonation


1175.monotonous : (monotonously) : an escape from monotonous routines


1176.tune : (tuning,tuneful) : play a familiar tune


tort(tor) 비틀다(twist)

1177.torture : (torturous) : toture a prisoner


1178.distort : (distortion) : The truth was distorted by the media


1179.extort : (extortion) : extort large sums of money


1180.retort : Mr.Duvall retorted  harshly


1181.torment : continuous physical torment


1182.torque : Torque can cause objects to rotate


1183.torch : the Olympic torch


tribut 할당하다(assign),내다(pay)


1184.attribute : (attribution) : attribute environmental demages to tourism


1185.contribute : (contribution,contributor) : volunteer work to contribute to the community


1186.distribute : (distribution,distributor) : Printed materials  were distributed to residents
