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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 39 strict(strain,stress)팽팽히당기다/묶다,struck(stroy,stry)세우다,sult(sault)뛰어오르다,sum(sem)취하다,tact(tang,tag)접촉하다(1102~1134) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 39 strict(strain,stress)팽팽히당기다/묶다,struck(stroy,stry)세우다,sult(sault)뛰어오르다,sum(sem)취하다,tact(tang,tag)접촉하다(1102~1134)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 21. 13:37

Day 39.mp3

strict(strai(n),stress) 팽팽하게 당기다(tighten),묶다(bind)

1102.strict : (strictly) : strict hierarchical structures


1103.district : visit the financial district


1104.restrict : (restrictive,restriction) : measures to restrict the sale of toys


1105.strain : My eyes were strained from excessive computer work


1106.constrain : (constraint) : be constrained by budget


1107.restrain : (restraint,restrained) : restrain the boy from hitting his friend


1108.strait : on the other side of the strait


1109.strand : (stranded) : Some boats were stranded in the ocean


1110.distress : (distressful,distressing) : It causes distress in our relationships


struct(stroy,stry) 세우다(build)

1111.structure : (structural) : the structure of the heart


1112.construct : (construction,constructive,constructor) : construct a new bridge


1113.instruct : (instruction,instructional,instructor,instructive) : People are instructed not to travel at night


1114.obstruct : (obstruction,obstructive) : be obstructed by the collapsed building


1115.destroy : (destruction,destructive) : destroy the invaders very efficiently


1116.industry : (industrial,industrious,industrialize) : a fast growing mat-making industry


sult(sault) 뛰어오르다(leap)

1117.insult : (insulting) : She was insulted by his rudeness


1118.exult : (exultation,exultant) : The team leader exulted at the victory


1119.assault : (assaultive) : The young man was charged with assault


sum(sem) 취하다(take)

1120.assume : (assumption,assumptive) : We assumed everything was fine 


1121.consume : (consumption,consumer) : consume a large amount of meat


1122.presume : (presumption,presumably) : He should be presumed innocent


1123.resume : (resumption,resume) : resume negotiations on the deal


1124.exempt : (exemption) : exempt from taxes


1125.example : (exemplify) : These words are all examples of verbs


tact(tang,tag) 접촉하다(touch)

1126.tact : (tactful,tactfully) : a lack of tact and knowledge


1127.intact : The old houses were preserverd intact : You can contact us during business


1129.tactic : (tactical,tactically) : guerilla tactics used by terrorists


1130.tactile : (tactility) : a vivid tactile dream


1131.tangible : (tangibility) : demand tangible evidence


1132.contagious : (contagiously) : Hugs and laughter were contagious


1133.integer : an integer greater than zero


1134.integrate : (integrity,integration,integral) : integrate learning with play

