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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 37 sens(sent)느끼다,sequ(sec)따라가다,serv(sert,serg)섬기다/지키다,sid(seat,set)앉다,sign표시(1043~1073) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 37 sens(sent)느끼다,sequ(sec)따라가다,serv(sert,serg)섬기다/지키다,sid(seat,set)앉다,sign표시(1043~1073)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 16. 13:37

Day 37.mp3

sens(sent) 느끼다(feel)

1043.sense : (sensitive,sensible,sensibility,nonsense) : have a strong sense of smell


1044.sensation : (sensational) : He had no sensation in his hand


1045.sensual : (sensuality) : sensual pleasures


1046.sentiment : (sentimental) : an intense sentiment of grief


1047.consent : (consensus) : a letter of consent from their parents


1048.resent : (resentful,resentment) : The boys resented being dropped from the team


sequ(sec) 따라가다(follow)

1049.sequence : (sequel,sequential) : arrange the portraits in chronological sequence


1050.consequence : (consequent,consequently) : a direct consequence of irresponsibility


1051.subsequent : (subsequence,subsequently) : the subsequent edition of the book


1052.prosecute : (prosecution,prosecutor) : prosecute child abusers


1053.second : (secondary) : the second-week program


serv(sert,serg) 섬기다(serve),지키다(protect)

1054.conserve : (conservation,conservative,conservation) : in order to conserve fuel


1055.deserve : (deserved) : She deserved praise for her hard work


1056.observe : (observant,observation,observance) : the data we observe about the universe


1057.preserve : (preservation) : preserve the natural habitats


1058.reserve : (reservation) : reserve a booth to sell these items


1059.servant : (serve) : a big house with servants


1060.dessert : I'll have the apple pie for dessert


1061.sergeant : The sergeant suffered from injuries


sid(seat,set) 앉다(sit)

1062.president : (preside,presidency,presidential) : a meeting with the president of an organization


1063.resident : (reside,residence) : open to local resident


1064.subside : (subsidence) : The pain will subside in a day : (seating) : We'll change your seat to the aisle side


1066.settle : (settlement) : They are going to settle their diffenences


sign 표시(token)

1067.sign : (signature) : sign a confidential agreement


1068.signal : (signalize) : give us the signal to stop


1069.signify : (significance,significant,significantly) : The 50 stars on the flag signify the fifty states


1070.assign : (assignment) : assign tasks to all members of the group : (designer) : a special lecture on interior design


1072.designate : (designation) : designate the building a historic landmark


1073.resign : (resignation) : She was forced to resign as Prime Minister
