일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
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- 연립방정식 부정방정식
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- 무리함수그래프
- 원의방정식 접선의길이
- 명제 필요조건 충분조건 필요충분조건
- 복소수 실수부 허수부 복소수상등 복소수연산 켤레복소수
- 부등식의 증명 연립부등식 절대부등식 산술기하평균 부등식
- 이차함수와 이차방정식 근의 분리
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- 점과 직선사이의 거리 내분점 외분점
- 이차함수의 최대최소 산술평균 기하평균
- 서울과고 경기과고 한국과학영재학교 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과학예술영재학교 인천과학예술영재학교
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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
DAY 36 rect(reg,rig)똑바로하다,rot(rol)바퀴,rupt깨다,scend(scand)오르다,sci알다,sect(seg)자르다(1010~1042) 본문
DAY 36 rect(reg,rig)똑바로하다,rot(rol)바퀴,rupt깨다,scend(scand)오르다,sci알다,sect(seg)자르다(1010~1042)
1000기누설 2021. 4. 15. 14:56
rect(reg,rig) 똑바로하다(put straight)/바르게 이끌다(guide)/통치하다(rule)
1010.correct : (correction) : The correct answer was obvious
1011.direct : (directly,director,direction) : the direct and strong language
1012.directory : find a doctor's number in a telephone directory
1013.erect : (erection) : The memorial was erected after the accident
1014.rectangle : (rectangular) : simple shapes such as rectangles and triangles
1015.regime : overthrow the ruthless regime
1016.reign : How long did the king reign?
1017.right : (righteous) : You did the right thing
1018.rigid : (rigidity) : the rigid social control
1019.rigor : (rigorous) : rigor of the law
1020.region : (regional,regionally) : The entire region was submerged.
1021.regular : (regularly,regularity,regulate,irregular) : They held regular monthly meetings
rot(rol) 바퀴(wheel),두루마리(roll)
1022.rotate : (rotation,rotary) : The Earth rotates around the Sun
1023.control : (controller) : control the sitution
1024.enroll : (enrollment) : Only five students enrolled in this course
1025.scroll : sc(증서)+roll , (scrolled) : a long paper scroll
rupt 깨다(break)
1026.bankrupt : (bankruptcy) : go bankrupt due to accumulated debts
1027.corrupt : (corruption) : bribe corrupt officials
1028.disrupt : (disruptive,disruption) : Terrorist attacks will disrupt the economy
1029.erupt : (eruption) : since the volcano erupted in the city
1030.interrupt : (interruption) : I hope I didn't interrupt anything
scend(scand) 오르다(climb)
1031.ascend : (ascent,ascending) : Kids watched as the airplane ascended
1032.descend : (descent,descendant) : descend the stairs
1033.transcend : (transcendental) : transcend cultural barriers
1034.scandal : (scandalous) : a series of political scandals
sci 알다(know)
1035.science : (scientific,scientist) : the barrier to science
1036.conscious : (consciousness,consciously,unconscious,subconscious) : The patient was fully conscious
1037.conscience : (conscientious) : a matter of individual conscience
sect(seg) 자르다(cut)
1038.section : (sectional) : the front page of the sports section
1039.sector : (sectoral) : a sector of the economy
1040insect : insect bites
1041.intersection : (intersectional) : Turn right at the intersection
1042.segment : (segmentation,segmental) : They are divided into eight segments