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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 38 simil(simul,sembl)비슷한/함께,soci동료,solv느슨하게하다,soph현명한,spon(spond,spou)약속하다/맹세하다,stick(sting,stinct,sti)막대(1074~1101) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 38 simil(simul,sembl)비슷한/함께,soci동료,solv느슨하게하다,soph현명한,spon(spond,spou)약속하다/맹세하다,stick(sting,stinct,sti)막대(1074~1101)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 19. 23:23

Day 38.mp3

simil(simul,sembl) 비슷한(like),함께(together)

1074.similar : (similarity,similarly) : share smililar belief


1075.assimilate : (assimilation) : assimilate into an alien culture


1076.simulate : (simulation) : simulate battle conditions


1077.simultaneous : (simultaneously) : simultaneous interpertation


1078.resemble : (resemblance) : She resembles her mother very closely


1079.assemble : (assembly) : This chair is easy to assemble


soci 동료(companion)

1080.socity : (social,socialize,sociable,socialism) : the members of society


1081.sociology : (sociologist,sociological) : some ideas related to sociology


1082.associate : (association) : People associate cooking with femininity


solv 느슨하게하다(loosen)

1083.solve : (solution,solvent) : solve organizational problems


1084.absolve : (absolution) : He was absolved of all blame


1085.dissolve : (dissolution) : Salt dissolves in water


1086.resolve : (resolution,resolute) : the best way to resolve a dilemma


soph 현명한(wise)

1087.sophist : The sophists like to engage in disputes


1088.sophisticated : (sophistication) : a more sophisticated approach


1089.philosophy : (philosopher,philosophical) : a difference between philosophy and science


1090.sophomore : (freshman,junior,senior) : He's a sophomore in college


spon(spond,spou) 약속하다(promise),맹세하다(pledge)

1091.sopnsor : (sponsorship) : sponsor a local sports team


1092.respond : (respondent,response,responsible,responsibility) : respond to unfair criticism


1093.correspond : (correspondence,correspondent) : The statistics corresponded with his experience


1094.spouse : (spousal) : invite our employees and their spouses


stick(sting,stinct,sti) 막대(stick),막대로 찌르다(prick)

1095.sticker : put price stickers on the items


1096.sting : Bees sting when they feel threatened


1097.distinguish : (distinct,distinction) : distinguish between purple and violet


1098.extinguish : (extinguisher,extinct) : They were working to extinguish the blaze


1099.instinct : (instinctive) : the instinct for survival


1100.stimulus : (stimulate,stimulating,stimulant) : a stimulus for remembering information


1101.stich : The doctor stitched the wound.
