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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 30 nutr(nur,nour)양분을주다,oper(offic)일,opt(op)보다,ordin순서,organ(urgeon,ergy)일하다,ori(ort)일어나다,pan(past)빵(837~868) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 30 nutr(nur,nour)양분을주다,oper(offic)일,opt(op)보다,ordin순서,organ(urgeon,ergy)일하다,ori(ort)일어나다,pan(past)빵(837~868)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 8. 01:14

Day 30.mp3

nutr(nur,nour) 양분을 주다(nourish), 돌보다(nurse)

837.nurtient : the essential nurtients in soil


838.nutirtion : (nutritional,nutritionist,malnutrition) : They are necessary for human nutrition


839.nurse : visit nursing homes


840.nursery : send a child to the nursery


841.nurture : (nurturer) : the best environment for nurturing plants


842.nourish : (nourishing,nourishment) : stimulate oil production and nourish the skin / a well-nourished baby


oper(offic) 일(work)

843.operate : (operator,operation,operational,operative) : This machine does not operate properly


844.cooperate : (cooperation,cooperative) : motivate people to cooperate with peers : (officer,officiate) : have a meeting at the office


846.official : (officially) : receive an official letter from the admissions office. / contact a government official


opt(op) 보다(see)

847.optic : (optics) : the optic nerve


848.optical : (optically) : There are many optical illusions


849.synopsis : a synopsis of the novel


ordin 순서(order)

850.ordinary : (ordinarily,extraordinary) : use ordinary household ingredients


851.ordinance : the smoking ban ordinance


852.coordinate : (coordinator,coordination) : They can coordinate their actions


853.subordinate : (subordination) : play a subordinate role


organ(urgeon,ergy) 일하다(work),몸의기관(organ)

854.organ : (organic) : the organ transplant waiting list


855.organism : for the survival of every living organism


856.organize : (organization,organized,disorganized) : I have to organize the fashion show


857.surgeon : (surgery,surgical) : a plastic surgeon : (energetic) : invest time and energy to do a project


859.synergy : (synergistic) : create synergy in the workplace


ori(ort) 일어나다,떠오르다(rise)

860.origin : (original,originally,originate) : theories about the origin of mankind


861.orient : (oriental,orientation) : the treasures of the Orient


862.abort : (abortion) : The mission was aborted


pan(past) 빵(bread) : One company developed what it called a 'technology shelf'


864.companion : (companionate,companionship) : a good companion for my brother


865.accompany : (accompaniment) : Children under eight must be accompanied by an adult


866.pantry : The flour is stored in a separate pantry


867.paste : (pasty) : Use paste to attach the label


868.pastel : draw them with colored pastels
