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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 32 path(pat,pass)느끼다/고통을겪다,patr(patter)아버지,ped(pat,pod)발,pel(pul,peal)끌어내다,pen(pun,pain)벌/고통(892~922) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 32 path(pat,pass)느끼다/고통을겪다,patr(patter)아버지,ped(pat,pod)발,pel(pul,peal)끌어내다,pen(pun,pain)벌/고통(892~922)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 10. 19:22

Day 32.mp3

path(pat,pass) 느끼다(feel),고통을 겼다(suffer)

892.pathetic : path(et)+ic(형접),(pathos) : a pathetic little old dog


893.empathy : em(안에)+path+y(명접) : have an empathy for the poor


894.sympathy : sym(함께)+path+y,(sympathetic) : We have sympathy for the accident victims


895.antipathy : anti(대항하여)+path+y,(antipathetic) : antipathy to difficult cultures


896.patient : pati+ent(형접),(patiently,patience) : chronically ill patients


897.passion : pass(고통을 겪다)+ion(명접),(passionate) : a talent and passion for science


898.compassion : com(함께)+pass+ion,(compassionate) : Her heart was touched with compassion


899.passive : pass(고통을 겪다)+ive(형접),(passiveness) : Watching television is a passive activity.


patr(patter) 아버지(father)

900.patriot : patr(i)+ot(명접),(patriotic,patriotism) : My brother was a great patriot


901.patron : patr+on(명접),(partonize) : This parking lot is for the use of patrons


902.pattern : Keeping a regular sleep pattern can help


ped(pat,pod) 발(foot)

903.pedal : press down the pedal


904.pedestrian : ped(estr)+ian(사람) : It may cause pedestrian congestion


905.pedicure : pedi+curt(관심) : I will get a pedicure next week.


906.impede : im(안에)+pede,(impediment) : be impeded by government regulations


907.expedition : ex(밖으로)+ped(it)+ion,(expedite) : the first manned expedition to Mars


908.dispatch : dis(떨어져)+patch,(dispatcher) : We are not allowed to dispatch any message


909.tripod : (tripodal) : They set up their tripods


pel(pul,peal) 끌어내다(drive)

910.compel : com(완전히)+pel : (compulsory,compulsion) : The students were compelled to wear socks / feel compelled to say something


911.dispel : dis(떨어져)+pel : dispel the anxiety


912.expel : (expulsion,expulsive) : The boy was expelled from school


913.impel : (impellent) : impel him to stay home 


914.propel : (propeller,propulsion) : a car propelled  by solar energy


915.repel : re(뒤로)+pel,(repellence,repulsive) : repel the attack


916.pulse : Check the pulse in your wrist


917.impulse : (impulsive) : a sudden impulse to travel to somewhere


918.appeal : (appealing) : appeal for public assistance


pen(pun,pain) 벌(penalty),고통(pain)

919.penalty : There are the penalties for delay / death penalty


920.punish : (punishment,punishing,punitive) : Those who broke their promises were punished


921.pain : (painful,painless) : It helps decrease pain / be a pain in the neck


922.pine : (piny) : the faint scent of pine


