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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 31 par(pair)동등한,para옆에,part(par,port)부분/나누다,pass(past)통과하다(869~891) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 31 par(pair)동등한,para옆에,part(par,port)부분/나누다,pass(past)통과하다(869~891)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 9. 14:57

Day 31.mp3

par(pair) 동등한(equal) : (comparison,comparative,comparable) : Comparing computers to humans can be confusing


870.par : (parity) : The player made par on the eleventh hole


871.pair : on pair of shoes


para 옆에(beside)

872.parallel : (parallelism) : the parallel bars competition


873.paragraph : (paragraphic) : You should separate the paragraph when there is a change of topic


874.paraphrase : accurately parapharse the information


part(par,port) 부분(part),나누다(divide)

875.part : (partly,partial, partially) : check the first part of the recording


876.partition : the partitions between the desks / partition off~ : have a party to celebrate her safe return


878.particle : an air purifier with dust particle filters


879.particular : (particularly) : Do you do anything particular before bed?


880.apart : (apartness) : He has to take the engine apart


881.depart : (departure) : What time did your bus depart?


882.counterpart : The minister will meet her Chinese counterpart


883.parcel : (package) : send the parcel ny express mail


884.portion : (proportion) : a small portion of meet


pass(past) 통과하다(pass)

885.pass : (passenger,passerby) : finally pass the examination / pass by~


886.passage : without reference to the passage of time


887.passenger : None of the passengers were injured


888.compass : navigate using a map and a compass


889.surpass : (surpassing) : results that surpass their expectations


890.passport : All travelers need a passport


891.pastime : Skiing is a favorite pastime in winter.
