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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 28 mort(murd)죽음,mot(mob,mov,mom)움직이다,mount(mound,min)오르다/돌출하다,mut바꾸다,nat태어난(783~807) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 28 mort(murd)죽음,mot(mob,mov,mom)움직이다,mount(mound,min)오르다/돌출하다,mut바꾸다,nat태어난(783~807)

1000기누설 2021. 4. 1. 00:17

Day 28.mp3

mort(murd) 죽음(death)

783.mortal : (mortality,immortal) : face mortal danger : mort+gage(서약) : We're considering taking out a mortgage. / mortgage loan


785.mortify : (mortification,mortifying) : He was mortified at having to explain his secret past


786.murder : (murderer) : commit a murder


mot(mob,mov,mom) 움직이다(move)

787.motive : (motivate,motivation) : They might have an ulterior motive for offering to help us


788.emotion : (emotional) : feel mixed emotions / a display of emotions


789.promote : (promoter,promotion,promotional) : promote a healthy lifestyle / promote to the position of manager


790.remote : (remotely) : live in a remote village


791.motor : (motorist) : be powered by an electric motor : (mobility,mobilize) : access information through mobile devices


793.remove : (removal,removed) : remove his name from the list


794.moment : (momentary,momentous) : One of the worst moments was when he distributed a math test


mount(mound,min) 오르다(go up),돌출하다(project)

795.mount : The pressure  on our team has continued to mount. / mount a public relations campaign


796.amount : decrease the overall amount of uneaten food


797.paramount : Information security has become a paramount issue.


798.surmount : surmount obstacles  instead of avoiding them


799.mound : a small mound of sand


800.eminent : (eminently,eminence) biographies of eminent artists


801.prominent : (prominently,prominence) : a prominent figure in the field of IT


mut 바꾸다,교환하다(change)

802.mutant : (mutation) : study a new breed of mutant : (mutually) : a lack of mutual understanding


804.commute :(commuter) : commute to work by bus / commute A for(into) B


nat 태어난(born)

805.nation : (national,international,multinational,nationality,nationalism) : an agreement between nations / in both the rich and poor nations


806.native : She's a native Californian / native species of plants


807.innate : (innately) : an innate ability to learn language
