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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 26 mater(matr)어머니,mechan(mach)기계,medi(mid,me)중간,medic(med)병을고치다,memor(memb)마음에새기는,ment(min,mon)마음/생각하다(722~753) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 26 mater(matr)어머니,mechan(mach)기계,medi(mid,me)중간,medic(med)병을고치다,memor(memb)마음에새기는,ment(min,mon)마음/생각하다(722~753)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 30. 00:33

Day 26.mp3

mater(matr) 어머니(mother)

722.matter : The size of the house didn't matter / as a matter of fact


723.material : mater(물질)+ial(명접),(materialism) : Material prosperity can help individuals attain higher levels of happiness


724.maternity : mater(n)어머니+ity(명접) : take maternity leave


725.matrix : emerge from a complex socio-cultural matrix


726.metropolis : metro어머니+polis도시,(metropolitan) : migration into the industrial metropolis


mechan(mach) 기계(machine)

727.machanic : (mechanical) : work as an auto mechanic


728.mechanism : mechan기계+ism명접 : adopt a more elaborate defense mechanism


729.machinery : machin기계+ery명접,(machine) : operate heavy machinery


medi(mid,me) 중간(middle)

730.medium : a medium-sized company / a powerful advertising medium


731.medieval : medi중간+ev시대+al형접 : interesting aspects of medieval music


732.mediate : medi중간+ate동접,(mediation,mediator) : mediate the dispute between the two countries


733.immediate : im(not)+medi중간+ate형접,(immediately) : depend on the immediate circumstances


734.intermediate : inter사이에+med중간+ate형접 : a course for intermediate learners


735.Mediterranean : medi중간+terran땅+ean형접 : the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet


736.amid : a안에+mid중간 : The resort sits amid dense forest.


737.midst : They are struggling in the midst of a financial crisis


738.midnight : I waited until midnight


739.midterm : mid중간+term기간 : We have a math midterm next week


740.mean : (meaning,meaningful) : its role as means of production / the mean of all measurements


741.meanwhile :  Meanwhile, he cooked dinner


medic(med) 병을 고치다(heal)

742.medical : (medic,medically,medication) : donations of used medical equipment


743.medicine : take the appropriate medicine


744.remedy : re뒤로+medy : remedy economic injustice / beyond remedy


memor(memb) 마음에 새기는(mindful)

745.memory : (menorial, memorize,memorable) : have a good memory


746.commemorate : com함께+memor+ate동접,(commemoration,commemorative) : commemorate great moments in national history


747.remember : (remembrance) : remember a few stories


ment(min,mon) 마음(mind),생각하다(think)

748.mental : (mentality) : the dangers of playing violent games to mental health


749.mention : mention what happened in the meeting


750.comment : (commentary,commentator) : recieve positive comments from analysts


751.remind : (reminder,remindful) : The incident reminded him of his responsibility


752.admonish : ad(~에게)+mon(마음)+ish동접 : He was admonished  for neglect of duty


753.monument : monu+ment명접,(monumental) : erect a monument in honor for the great scientist  
