일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
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16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
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- 인수분해 복잡한 식의 인수분해 복이차식 인수분해 문자2개이상인수분해
- 복소수 실수부 허수부 복소수상등 복소수연산 켤레복소수
- 연립방정식 부정방정식
- 이차함수와 이차방정식 근의 분리
- 도형의자취 평행이동 대칭이동
- 유리함수 점근선 분수함수
- 직선의방정식 점과직선사이의거리 삼각형의넓이
- 서울과고 경기과고 한국과학영재학교 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과학예술영재학교 인천과학예술영재학교
- 근과 계수와의 관계 근의 부호
- 집합 원소 진부분집합
- 유리수 무리수 실수 실수의분류 이항연산 닫혀있다 실수의성질 절댓값 부등식성질
- 일차함수그래프 이차함수그래프 절댓값그래프
- 판별식 실근 허근
- 집합의연산법칙 합집합 교집합 여집합 차집합 서로소
- 순열 원순열 중복순열 조합 중복조합
- 원의방정식 접선의길이
- 무리함수그래프
- 탄천 종합 운동장 코로나 예방접종
- 이차부등식 연립이차부등식
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- 합성함수 역함수
- 애플워치8
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- 서울과고 경기과고 한과영 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과예영 인천과예영
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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
DAY 27 merc(mark)거래하다,merg(mers)빠지다/담그다,meter(metr)재다,migr이동하다,min작은,mir(mar)놀라다,mond척도(754~782) 본문
DAY 27 merc(mark)거래하다,merg(mers)빠지다/담그다,meter(metr)재다,migr이동하다,min작은,mir(mar)놀라다,mond척도(754~782)
1000기누설 2021. 3. 31. 00:26merc(mark) 거래하다(trade)
754.merchant : merch(거래하다)+ant(~하는 사람) : Gregorio Dati was a successful merchant of Florence
755.merchandise : merch+and(~하는사람)+ise(동접),(merchandising,merchandiser) : deal in wool,silk, and other merchandese
756.commerce : (commercial,commercialize) : international commerce
757.market : (marketing,marketplace) : the flea market
merg(mers) 빠지다,담그다(dip)
758.emerge : (emergence, emergency) : The line of distant mountains was gradually emerging through the mist
759.submerge : Flood waters submerged the village
760.immerse : (immersion) : be immersed in French culture
meter(metr) 재다(measure)
761.diameter : dia(가로질러)+meter : The diameter of the moon is 3480km.
762.thermometer : thermo(열)+meter : read the outside thermometer
763.geometric : geo(땅)+metric,(geometry,geometrician) : be decorated with geometric patterns
764.symmetry : sym(같은)+metr+y(명접),(symmetrical) : the perfect symmetry of the building
migr 이동하다(move)
765.migrate : (migration) : Some of the dollars previously spent on newspaper advertising have migrated to the Intermet. / Thousands of birds migrate to warmer countries
766.immigrate : im(안으로)+migrate,(immigrant,immigration) : He has immigrated to Australia from Japan.
767.emigrate : e(밖으로)+migr(이동하다)+ate동접 : emigrate to find work
min 작은(small)
768.minor : (minority) : I had a minor bike accident on my way home
769.minus : The temperature dropped to minus 10 degrees.
770.minimum : (minimal,minimize) : The essay must be a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 5
771.minister : (ministry) : the Minister for Foreign Affairs
772.administer : (administration,administrative,administrator) : administer after school programs
773.diminish : di(완전히)+min+ish(동접),(diminution,diminutive) : The overall speed diminished steadily
mir(mar) 놀라다(wonder)
774.miracle : (miraculous) : The Bible tells of the many miracles of God
775.admire : (admirable,admiration) : I admired my history teacher during my schooldays
776.marvel : (marvelous) : marvel at her cheerful attitude
mod 척도(measure)
777.moderate : (moderately) : moderate-intensity exercise
778.modern : (modernize) : The house looks very modern
779.modest : modest clothes for juniors
780.modify : (modification) : modify the original image
781.accommodate : (accommodation) : There will be enough parking spaces to accommodate 100 cars
782.commodity : buy and sell rice,flour and other basic commodities