일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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- 애플워치8
- 항등식 계수비교법 수치비교법 나눗셈원리
- 순열 원순열 중복순열 조합 중복조합
- 일차함수그래프 이차함수그래프 절댓값그래프
- 집합의연산법칙 합집합 교집합 여집합 차집합 서로소
- 부등식의 증명 연립부등식 절대부등식 산술기하평균 부등식
- 경우의수 약수의개수
- 근과 계수와의 관계 근의 부호
- 유리함수 점근선 분수함수
- 일차방정식 이차방정식 N차방정식 실계수이차방정식 유리계수이차방정식
- 합성함수 역함수
- 서울과고 경기과고 한국과학영재학교 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과학예술영재학교 인천과학예술영재학교
- 판별식 실근 허근
- 도형의자취 평행이동 대칭이동
- 직선의방정식 점과직선사이의거리 삼각형의넓이
- 인수분해 복잡한 식의 인수분해 복이차식 인수분해 문자2개이상인수분해
- 무리함수그래프
- 이차함수의 최대최소 산술평균 기하평균
- 명제 필요조건 충분조건 필요충분조건
- 서울과고 경기과고 한과영 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과예영 인천과예영
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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
DAY 24 leg법,lev(lieve)올리다,liber(liver)자유,lic꾀다,lig(leag,ly)묶다,limin(limit)경계,lin선,lingu혀/언어,liter글자(655~687) 본문
DAY 24 leg법,lev(lieve)올리다,liber(liver)자유,lic꾀다,lig(leag,ly)묶다,limin(limit)경계,lin선,lingu혀/언어,liter글자(655~687)
1000기누설 2021. 3. 28. 00:25
leg 법(law)
655.legal : leg+al(형접),(legality) : get legal advice
656.legislation : leg(is)(법)+lat(제안하다)+ion(명접),(legislate,legislative) : the seat belt legislation
657.legitimate : leg(itim)+ate(형접) : These are legitimate concerns that many people share
658.legacy : She recieved a small legacy from her parents
lev(lieve) 올리다(lift)
659.lever : (leverage) : pull the lever to start the machine
660.alleviate : al(~쪽으로)+levi+ate(동접),(alleviation) : alleviate symptoms of depression
661.elevate : (elevator,elevation) : be elevated to the position of the ultimate end
662.relevant : re(다시)+lev+ant(형접),(relevance,irrelevant) : Some force outside the object might be relevant
663.relieve : (relief) : put some ice on it to relieve the pain
liber(liver) 자유(free)
664.liberal : (liberty,liberalize,liberalism) : a liberal interpretation of the copyritht law
665.liberate : (liberation) : liberate people from poverty
666.deliver : de(떨어져)+liver,(delivery) : Your furniture will be delivered within 2 days
lic 꾀다(allure)
667.delicate : de(떨어져)+lic+ate(형접),(delicacy) : These wine glasses are delicate and fragile
668.delicious : The chocolate cake was delicious
669.elicit : e(밖으로)+lic+it(동접) : elicit positive responses from students
lig(leag,ly) 묶다(bind)
670.oblige : ob(~쪽으로)+lige,(obligate,obligation,obligatory) : All employers are obliged to pay the national minimum wage
671.religion : re(다시)+lig+ion(명접),(religious,religiously) : the decline of authoritarian religion
672.liable : (liability) : They are jointly liable for the damage
673.league : The team was kicked out of the league
674.rely : (reliable,reliability,reliance) : rely exclusively upon satelite information
limin(limit) 경계(boundary)
675.eliminate : (elimination) : eliminate different options / eliminate A from B
676.preliminary : The preliminary design was leaked to the press
677.limit : (limited,limitation,limitless) : limit creative and academic development
lin 선(line)
678.line : (linear,lining) : draw a straight line
679.airline : This airline has an excellent safty record
680.deadline : the deadline for application
681.outline : a brief outline of the history of China
lingu(langu) 혀(tongue)/언어(language)
682.language : Language offers something more valuable than mere information exchange
683.linguist : (linguistic) : Many linguists have doubts about his theory
684.bilingual : She's bilingual in Korean and French.
liter 글자(letter)
685.literal : (literally) : a literal interpretation of the text
686.literate : (literacy,illiterate) : achieve a fully literate society
687.literature : (literary) : He's an expert in German literature