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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

PART2 중요 어근 DAY 11 act,alter,ama,ann,apt,arm,art,astro(264~294) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

PART2 중요 어근 DAY 11 act,alter,ama,ann,apt,arm,art,astro(264~294)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 12. 23:58

Day 11.mp3

act 행동하다

264.react : re(다시)+act,(reaction,reactive) : react in unexpected ways


265.transact : trans(가로질러)+act,(transaction) : transact business through an agency


266.exact : ex(밖으로)+act,(exactly) : remember the exact address


267.actual : (actually,actuality) : people's actual responses : (activity,action) : economically active population


alter 다른(other)

269.alter : (alteration) : Prices may alter a consumer's willingness to pay for an item


270.alternative : (alternate,alternately) : Solar energy can be a practical alternative energy source


271.otherwise : other(다른)+wise(방법) : Sometimes you need to look back. Otherwise you will never know what you want.


ama(ami) : 사랑,친구

272.amateur : (amateurish) : Taylor is an amateur boxer.


273.amiable : (amiably,amicable) : She spoke in an amiable tone


274.amity : live in peace and amity


275.enemy : en(not)+emy,(enmity) : These lizards have few natural enemies


ann 해마다(yearly)

276.annual : (annually) : Fremont Art College will be hosting its 7th Annual Art Exhibition for one week.


277.anniversary : their 10th wedding anniversary


apt(ept,at) 맞추다(fit)

278.apt : (aptitude) : There could not be a more apt description. be apt to~: ~하기 쉽다


279.adapt : (adapted,adaptation) : Certain insects are adapted for hiding


280.adept : an adept counselor


281.inept : in(not)+apt : her inept singing capabilities


282.attitude : atti(맞추다)+tude,(attitudinal) : build positive attitudes


arm 무기, 무장하다 : serve in the army


284.armistice : armi(무기)+stice(정지함) : offer an immediate armistice.  Armistice Day


285.alarm : (alarming) : The fire alarm went off and everyone was evacuated from the building


286.disarm : (disarmament) : disarm the captured soldiers


art 예술, 기술

287.artwork : the experts' opinions about the artwork


288.artist : one of the best musical artists


289.artisan : the artisan spirit pursuing real beauty


astro(aster) 별

290.astronaut : She is the first Korean astronaut.


291.astronomy : (astronomer) : study astronomy at a university


292.astrology : believe in astrology.


293.asterisk : place an asterisk at the end of the sentence


294.disaster : (disastrous) : The country has been decleared a disaster area



