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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 8 spit 숨쉬다, sta(st,sist,stit) 서다(180~205) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 8 spit 숨쉬다, sta(st,sist,stit) 서다(180~205)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 5. 23:41

spir 숨쉬다(breathe) : spirit

180.aspire : (aspiration,aspiring) : Many students aspire to be like him.


181.aspirin : pain relief methods such as aspirin


182.conspire : (conspiracy) : conspire against the government


183.expire : (expiration) : Her contract expires next week


184.inspire : in(안으로)+spire(숨쉬다), (inspiration) : The desire to make money can inspire us


185.perspire : per(통하여)+spire(숨쉬다) : They were perspiring heavily under the blazing sun


186.respire : re(다시)+spire(숨쉬다),(respiration) : All living things need to respire


sta(st,sist,stit) 서다(stand)

189.withstand : with(떨어져,대항하여)+stand : withstand high temperatures


190.standard : (standardize) : in the standard size


191.standpoint : from an economic standpoint


192.standstill : stand(서다)+still(정지) : Traffic is at a standstill


193.stance : her stance toward life


194.substance : sub(아래에)+stance, (substantial,substantially,substantiate) : continuously interacting substances


195.stable : (stability,stabilize,unstable,instability) : keep things in a stable condition


196.establish : (establishment,established) : establish a new fire station


197.stage : during the early stages


198.stagnant : (stagnate, stagnation) : a stagnant economy


199.stall : a variety of fruit stalls


200.install : (installation) : install more security cameras


201.state : (statement,statesman) : return to a state of balance.  internal political matters of neighboring states


202.statistics : (statistical,statistically, statistician) :  Is statistics necessary in sports? : inherit the estate


204.instate : (reinstate) : instate new policies


205.static : The prices will remain static
