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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 6 pos 놓다/press 누르다(130~152) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 6 pos 놓다/press 누르다(130~152)

1000기누설 2021. 2. 26. 00:23

pos(pon,pound) pose

130.position : posit(놓다)+ion(명접) : adopt a neutral position


131.positive : posit(놓다)+ive(형접) , (positivity) : have positive views


132.posture : keep proper posture


133.compose : com(함께)+pose(놓다), (composer, composite,composition) : compose music for film


134.component : (ingredient, constituent) : a major component of the program


135.compound : produce organic compounds


136.dispose : dis(떨어져)+pose(놓다), (disposed, disposal, disposable) : dispose of chemical waste


137.deposit : de(아래에)+posit(놓다), (depot) : pay the non-refundable deposit


138.expose : ex(밖으로)+pose(놓다), (exposition, exposure) : expose a secret


139.impose : im(안에)+pose(놓다), (imposition, imposing) : impose a fine


140.interpose : inter(사이에)+pose(놓다), (interposition) : interpose an institutional barrier


141.oppose : op(대항하여)+pose(놓다), (opposite, opposition, opponent) : oppose the death penalty


142.propose : pro(앞에)+pose(놓다), (proposition, proposal) : propose a plan for a new school


143.propound : propound a new theory/ propound a very different idea


144.purpose : pur(앞에)+pose(놓다), (purposely) : It can be used for any purpose


145.suppose : sur(아래에)+pose(놓다), (supposed, supposedly) : We suppose that's true / be supposed to

press 누르다 pressure : (pressing, pressure) : according to press reports


147.compress : com(함께)+press(누르다), (compression, compressible) : compress computer files


148.depress : de(아래로)+press(누르다), (depression, depressive) : The results of the exam depressed him. : ex(밖으로)+press(누르다), (expression, expressive) : Some residents express concern


150.impress : im(안으로)+press(누르다), (impression, impressive) : Her courage impressed us.


151.oppress : op(대항하여)+press(누르다), (oppression, oppressive) : The dictator oppressed minorities.


152.suppress : sup(아래로)+press(누르다), (suppression, suppressive) : suppress emotions such as anger
