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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 7 scrib 적다,쓰다 / spec 보다 : (153~179) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 7 scrib 적다,쓰다 / spec 보다 : (153~179)

1000기누설 2021. 2. 27. 00:47

Day 07.mp3

scrib(script) : 적다,쓰다 : postscript

153.describe : (description,descriptive) : describe the depth of despair


154.inscribe : (inscription) : a monument inscribed with a poem


155.prescribe : (prescription,prescriptive) : prescribe sleeping tablets


156.subscribe : (subscriber,subscription) : subscribe to the service for twelve months


157.script : (scripter) : the scene on page 14 of the script


158.manuscript : manu(손)+script : complete over 400 pages of manuscript


159.transcript : tran(가로질러)+script, (transcribe, transcription) : a transcript of the videos


160.conscription : con(함께)+scription,(conscript) : a conscription examination


spec(spic,spect) 보다 special

161.special : (specialist,specialty,specialize,especial,especially) : We also hold a special event every year to collect used book.


162.specific : speci(보다)+fic(만들다), (specipy,specifically,specification) : Do you have any specific floor in mind?


163.specious :  be convinced by a specious argument


164.species : the survival of species


165.specimen : The specimen will then be examined


166.speculate : (speculative,speculation) : speculate about possible measures


167.conspicuous : con(완전히)+spicuous(보다),(inconspicuous) : the most conspicuous stars in the night sky


168.aspect : a(~쪽으로)+spect(보다) : consider every aspect of a problem


169.expect : The presentation went better than expected


170.inspect : (inspection,inspector) : inspect nuclear power plants


171.prospect : (prospective) : positive industry prospects for growth


172.suspect : su(아래)+spect ,(suspicious,suspicion) : Engineers suspected a crack in the tank


173.respect : (respectful,respectable,respective,irrespective) : the most respected man of the Italian art world


174.retrospect : retro(뒤로)+spect : In retrospect, they probably made a poor choice


175.introspection : intro(안으로)+spection,(introspective) : a place for quiet introspection


176.perspective : per(완전히)+spective,(perspectively) : a negative perspective on her life


177.spectacle : (spectacular,spectator) : The photo exhibit was quite a spectacle


178.specter : They are haunted by the look of the specter


179.spectrum : a broad spectrum of economic theories
