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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 13 camp(champ)들판,can(chan)관,car(char)마차,cast던지다,centr중심,cern(crimin,cri)구별하다,cert확실한(326~354) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 13 camp(champ)들판,can(chan)관,car(char)마차,cast던지다,centr중심,cern(crimin,cri)구별하다,cert확실한(326~354)

1000기누설 2021. 3. 16. 01:50

Day 13.mp3

camp(champ) 들판(field)

326.campaign : mount a huge public relations campaign


327.campus : walk around the campus


328.campsite : They may use the same campsite for several nights


329.champion : (championship) : She's the national lightweight champion.


can(chan) 관(tube)

330.cane : He walks with a cane.   sugar cane


331.canal : (canalize) : by the time the canal was finished


332.cannon : The factory produced small cannons and cannon balls


333.canyon : a breathtaking view of the deep canyon : use diplomatic channels


car(char) 마차,수송(carriage)

335.carry : It's very useful to carry small things. carry out(수행하다)


336.carriage : a carriage pulled by four horses


337.carrier : a mail carrier : pursue a career in medicine


339.charge : borrow equipment free of charge


340.discharge : dis(not)+charge : She'll be discharged from the hospital on Monday.


cast 던지다(throw)

341.cast : cast a shadow on the wall.  the entire cast of "Cats"


342.broadcast : broad(광범위하게)+cast : a live broadcast from Seoul


343.forecast : fore(미리)+cast : a weather forecast


centr 중심(center)

344.central : (center,centrality,centialize) : the central part of the city


345.concentrate : (concentration) : quiet time to sit and concentrate : concentrate on(집중하다)


346.eccentric : ec(밖으로)+centric : (eccentricity) : a TV show full of eccentric characters


cern(crimin,cri) 거르다(sift),구별하다(distinguish)

347.concern : (concerned,concerning) : be concerned about a traumatic event


348.discern : (discernible,discerning) : We can discern different colors.   discern good from evil


349.discriminate :(discrimination) : discriminate against smokers


350.criminal : (crime,incriminate) : arrest a criminal


351.crisis : We face an energy crisis


352.criticize : (critic,critical,criticism) : Officials harshly criticized the decision


cert 확실한(sure)

353.certain : (certainly,certainty,ascertain) : I feel certain that we could pass the test tomorrow


354.certificate : (certify,certification) : a birth certificate



