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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

Live academy english 23.5.24 본문

My english story/Live English

Live academy english 23.5.24

1000기누설 2023. 5. 24. 09:44


A: Let's go

B: Wait! I haven't finished my coffee yet. (Wait? I haven't eaten yet.)

A: You said you have to be home by six, didn't you? It's already ten to five.

(You said you have to be office by four,didn't you? It's already thirty to four.)

B: It only takes thirty minutes to get home. 

(It only take five minutes to get office. I still have a good half an hour left.)

A: I still have a good half an hour left. (When did you say you have(had) to be home by?


A:  Are there any good TV shows these days?

(Are there any good movies these days? / 
Are there any good netflix drama these days?)

B: I'm watching these shows called " A Small  Light ".

(I'm watching this movie called "A Quiet Place")

A: I saw that one. It was so good though. Which episode are you on?

B: I just started watching it. I'm not even halfway through (yet). I think I'm still on the third episode.

A: Oh, then you haven't gotten to the really good part yet.

B: Whoa? Hey! I don't want know anything, alright?


A: Wow! Your car still has that smell. A new car smell.

B: Well, it hasn't even been two months yet. So, I guess it's still kind of new.

A: Have you washed it yet?

B: NO, Not yet. It's still pretty clean, don't you think? / isn't it?


우리 가족 일상으로 대화 내용을 각색하여 외우기

David : Let's go to the library!--> Wife : Take the trash with you when you go out.-->
Daughter : Wait! I haven't finished my coffee yet.-->
Son : You said you have to be library by one p.m , didn't you? It's already twenty to one p.m.-->
Daughter : It only takes fifteen minutes to get library. I still have a good twenty minutes left.-->
David : Okay! Hurry up, Get in the car!-->
Daughter :  Wow! Your car still has that smell. A new car smell. Have you washed it yet?-->
David : Well, it hasn't even been two weeks yet. So, I guess it's still kind of new, don't you think?-->
Wife :  Well, Are there any good TV show these days?-->
David :  I'm watching these show called " Billions"-->
Son : I saw that one. It was so good though. Which episode are you on?-->
David :  I just started watching it. I'm not even halfway through yet. I think I'm still on the fifth episode.-->
Son :  Oh, then you haven't gotten to the really good part yet.-->
David : Hey! I don't want to know anything, alright?
