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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

Live English와 파파고와 Chat gpt와 나의 영어회화 본문

My english story/Live English

Live English와 파파고와 Chat gpt와 나의 영어회화

1000기누설 2023. 6. 2. 14:21

Live English 에서 오늘 배운 영어 표현

I'm thinking of swithching hair salons. I'm thinking of going to a different hair salon. the one I've been going to is fine It's just that the parking there is horrible. Every time I go there I spend almost 10 minutes parking my car. I spend almost 10 minutes looking for a place to park.


파파고를 이용한 영작

I recently changed my toothpaste to salt.
I will try brushing my teeth with salt and find out which
one is fresher.
I went to the dentist last week and got scaling.
The doctor said my gums are not in good condition
,so  I need to get treatment after gum anesthesia.
I like that dental clinic, but It hurt a little when I was scaling it so I'm going to look elsewhere.
(The one I've been going to is fine.It's just that the parking there is horrible.
Everytime I go there I spend almost 10 minutes parking my car.)



"지난주에 치과에 가서 잇몸 스케일링을 받았는데 너무 아팠어. 2년에 한번 가서 그런가? 의사선생님이 잇몸 상태가 안 좋아서 마취하고 잇몸 깊숙히 치료를 받아야 한대! 그 치과가 좋긴 한대 그 곳은 주차하기가 너무 힘들어. 주차하는데 한 20분은 걸리는거 같아. 다른 치과를 알아봐야 할거 같아! 잇몸 치료를 받고 난 후 양치질을 잘 해야 겠다고 결심했어 요즘은 치약 대신 소금으로 양치질 하고 있어! 어떤게 더 좋은지 알아봐야 할 거 같아"


챗 GPT를 이용한 영작

"I went to the dentist last week for gum scaling, and it was so painful. I guess I only go once every two years. The dentist said my gum condition is not good, so I need to receive deep gum treatment under anesthesia. The dental clinic is good, but parking there is extremely difficult. It takes about 20 minutes just to find a parking spot. I think I need to look for another dental clinic! After receiving gum treatment, I've decided to take better care of my oral hygiene and brush my teeth properly. Lately, I've been using salt instead of toothpaste for brushing! I should find out which one is better."



