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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 55. bio생명,dia가로질러,eco환경,geo지구/땅,micro작은,tele멀리있는,auto스스로(1584~1607) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 55. bio생명,dia가로질러,eco환경,geo지구/땅,micro작은,tele멀리있는,auto스스로(1584~1607)

1000기누설 2021. 5. 16. 17:17

Day 55.mp3

bio 생명(life)

1584.biology : (biologist,biological) : miss biology class


1585.biodiversity : legal efforts to preserve biodiversity / The number of species is a common measure of biodiversity


1586.bioethics : controversial topics in the field of bioethics


1587.biorhythm : Travelling across time zones may disturb your biorhythm


1588.antibiotic : avoid the overuse of antibiotic


dia 가로질러(across)

1589.dialect : dia+lect(말) : speak a dialect of southern Germany


1590.diarrhea : dia+rrhea(흐름) : suffer from diarrhea


1591.diagonal : dia+gon(모서리)+al : move in a diagonal direction


eco (environment),집(house)

1592.ecosystem : destroy the delicate ecosystem : prefer eco-friendly products


1594.ecology : (ecologist,ecological) : cause damage to the marine ecology


1595.economy : (economic,economical) : disrupt the world economy


geo 지구,땅(earth)

1596.geometry : (geometric) : require knowledge of geometry


1597.geothermal : geo+therm(열)+al : Geothermal energy can be used for electricity generation


micro 작은(small)

1598.microscope : micro+scope(보다) : look into the microscope


1599microorganism : the spread of harmful microorganisms


1600.microwave : heat frozen lasagna in the microwave


tele 멀리있는(distant)

1601.telepathy : communicate through telepathy


1602.telescope : make observations through a telescope


1603.television : watch a movie on television


1604.telecommunication : configure a telecommunications network


auto 스스로(self)

1605.automobile : produce automobiles that pollute the air


1606.automatic : (automatically) : an automatic temperature control system


1607.autonomy : auto+nom(법)+y : greater autonomy from the central government
