일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
- 부등식의 증명 연립부등식 절대부등식 산술기하평균 부등식
- 연립방정식 부정방정식
- 무리함수그래프
- 서울과고 경기과고 한과영 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과예영 인천과예영
- 판별식 실근 허근
- 서울과고 경기과고 한국과학영재학교 대전과고 대구과고 광주과고 세종과학예술영재학교 인천과학예술영재학교
- 일차함수그래프 이차함수그래프 절댓값그래프
- 복소수 실수부 허수부 복소수상등 복소수연산 켤레복소수
- 집합의연산법칙 합집합 교집합 여집합 차집합 서로소
- 이차함수와 이차방정식 근의 분리
- 유리수 무리수 실수 실수의분류 이항연산 닫혀있다 실수의성질 절댓값 부등식성질
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- 집합 원소 진부분집합
- 인수분해 복잡한 식의 인수분해 복이차식 인수분해 문자2개이상인수분해
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- 근과 계수와의 관계 근의 부호
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- 직선의방정식 점과직선사이의거리 삼각형의넓이
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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
DAY 54. non없는,anti(ant)대항하여/반대의,counter(contra)대항하여/반대의,with떨어져,mal나쁜,mis잘못된(1553~1583) 본문
DAY 54. non없는,anti(ant)대항하여/반대의,counter(contra)대항하여/반대의,with떨어져,mal나쁜,mis잘못된(1553~1583)
1000기누설 2021. 5. 16. 01:11non 없는(not)
1553.nonfiction : This nonfiction book is based on the life of a little Indian girl
1554.nonprofit : do volunteer work at a nonprofit organization
1555.nonsense : The policy is nonsense
1556.nonsmoking : (nonsmoker) : sit in the nonsmoking section
1557.nonstop : The airline will offer nonstop flight to Singpore
anti(ant) 대항하여(against),반대의(opposite)
1558.antiaging : antiaging skin care products
1559.antibacterial : (antifungal) : use antibacterial hand soap
1560.antibody : detect the presence of antibodies / have an antibody test
1561.antisocial : antisocial personality disorder
1562.antarctic : ant(반대의)+artic(북극의) : The most famous antartic animal is the penguin
1563.antonym : ant+onym(이름) : 'Dark' is the antonym of 'bright'
counter(contra) 대항하여(against),반대의(opposite)
1564.counterattack : The Air Force and the Navy took part in the counterattact
1565.conrtary : be contrary to Paul's opinion
with 떨어져(away)
1566.withdraw : (withdrawal) : withdraw from an engagement
1567.withhold : withhold an important fact from consumers
mal 나쁜(bad)
1568.malice : (malicious) : There was no malice in her tone
1569.malfunction : an engine malfunction
1570.malady : suffer from a rare malady / a social malady
1571.malign : repeatedly attempt to malign his image
1572.maleficent : maleficient destroyers of other species
1573.malevolent : male+vol(의도)+ent,(malevolently) : be malevolent toward the success of others
mis 잘못된(wrong)
1574.mistake : (mistakenly) : I deleted some pictures by mistake
1575.mischief : mis+chief(결과),(mischievous) : love to make mischief
1576.misconception : (misconceive) : correct misconceptions
1577.misbehave : (misbehavior) : Kids often misbehave in order to get attention
1578.misconduct : She publicly apologized for her misconduct
1579.misfortune : Misfortune turns to knowledge
1580.mishap : mis+hap(우연) : reach the destination without any mishaps
1581.mismatch : the mismatch of names and pictures
1582.mislead : (misleading) : be misled by the mass media
1583.misunderstand : He misunderstood her friendly gesture