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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 50. de아래로/떨어져/아닌,dis아닌/떨어져(1421~1450) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 50. de아래로/떨어져/아닌,dis아닌/떨어져(1421~1450)

1000기누설 2021. 5. 9. 19:53

Day 50.mp3

de 아래로(down), 떨어져(away), 아닌(not) : degrade (등급/지위를 낮추다)

1421.demolish : de+mol(짓다)+ish,(demolition) : The tower was demolished by the earthquake


1422.depreciate : (depreciation) : The value of the demostic currency depreciates rapidly


1423.desire : de+sire(별) : (desirable) : this ancient desire to live forever


1424.despise : de+spise(보다) : she despised gossip in any form


1423.decay : de+cay(떨어지다),(decadence,decadent) : Tooth decay is the most common cause of a toothache


1424.deform : (deformed,deformity) : Shoes can deform your feet if they are too tight


1425.detach : de+tach(묶다) : (detachment) : detach the wires from the ceiling


1426.delegate : de+leg(법적인)+ate,(delegation) : become a delegate of the Council


1427.default : The risk of default is greater / change the default settings 


1428.decode : The secret message was decoded instantly


1429.deforest : (defeorestation) : Some 20% of the rainforest has been deforested


1430.destruct : (destruction,destructive) : unilaterally destruct the treaty


1431.demerit : consider the merits and demerits of each


dis 아닌(not),떨어져(away) : disrespect 무례,실례

1432.disability : (disabled) : special facilities for people with disabilities


1433.disadvantage :  To overcome disadvantages of their size, small animals have developed useful weapons


1434.discomfort : persistent neck or back discomfort


1435.disgrace : (desgraceful) : be publicly disgraced


1436.dishonor : His behavior brought dishonor to his family


1437.disorder : reduce the chances of developing stress-related disorders


1438.discourage : discourage enemies from attacking them


1439.discredit : discredit the witness's statement


1440.disagree : (disagreement) : disagree with both arguement


1441.disapprove : (disapproval) : disapprove of drinking and driving


1442.discard : discard old clothes and shoes


1443.disconnect : (disconnection) : The computer is disconnected from a power supply


1444.dislike : Most people dislike the former Prime Minister


1445.disobey : (disobedience,disobedient) : purposefully disobey a judeg's order


1446.disqualify : (disqualification) : be disqualified from joining the military


1447.disregard : disregard a stop sign


1448.disrespect : (disrespectful) : show disrespect to the elderly


1449.dishonest : (dishonesty) : hide a dishonest act


1450.discontent : There is widespread discontent over the leadership

