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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 48. com(con,co)함께,inter사이에/서로,trans가로질러(1369~1393) 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 48. com(con,co)함께,inter사이에/서로,trans가로질러(1369~1393)

1000기누설 2021. 5. 6. 14:19

Day 48.mp3

com(con,co) 함께(together) : combination

1369.combine : (combination) : You can combine two discount coupons


1370.compact : com+pact(묶다) : a compact car


1371.compile : com+pile(쌓다),(compilation) : compile a list of new words


1372.confront : con+front(이마를 맞대다) : confront a risk situation


1373.congregate : con+greg(무리)+ate,(congregation) : Crowds congregated in the street


1374.connect : (connection) : be connected to the Internet


1375.contemporary : (contemporarily) : the contemporary art stream


1376.coherent : co+her(붙다)+ent,(coherently) : make a coherent argument


1377.correlation : (correlate,correlative) : the correlation between a person's weight and height


1378.colleague : discuss the idea with a colleague


1379.collide : (collision) : Two helicopters have collided in mid-air


inter 사이에(between),서로(together) : intersection교차로 : (internationally) : I won the first prize in an international cooking contest this year


1381.intercultural : (interculturalism) : intercultural marriage


1382.interpersonal : interpersonal skills to communicate with others


1383.interval : The training is repeated after a short interval


1384.interact : (interaction) : interact with foreign students


1385.interchange : (interchangeable) : an interchange of ideas and views


1386.interfere : (interference) : It is usually best to approve of the child's play without interfering


1387.interpret : inter+pret(가격을 정하다),(interpretation,interpreter,interpretable) : interpret the hidden meaning of the poem


trans 가로질러(across) : transformer변압기

1388.transform : (transformer,transformation,transformative) : The body transforms food into energy


1389.translate : (translation,translator) : translate English into Korean


1390.transplant : kidney transplant surgery


1391.transfuse : (transfusion) : transfuse type A blood into a patient


1392.transgender : discrimination against transgender people


1393.transient : (transiently,transience) : a transient worker
