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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)
영어로 커피 주문하는 방법을 CHATGPT에게 물어봤다. 본문
When I was in canada 3 months ago, I went to Starbux, and I wanted to order a Americano. so I ordered a coffee. Hellow can I got a Americano? And then the staff tell me something, but I can't hear that! And I got a different coffee what I ordered. Could you tell me how can I order a coffee?
In Canada, you can order coffee by using the term "coffee" or by specifying the type of coffee you want. Here are a few common ways to order coffee in Canada:
Simple Order: You can simply say "coffee" to order a regular coffee. If you want it with milk and sugar, you can specify "coffee with milk and sugar."
Size: If you want to specify the size, you can use terms like "small," "medium," or "large" before saying "coffee." For example, "medium coffee" or "large coffee."
Type of Coffee: If you want a specific type of coffee, you can use the name of the coffee, such as "latte," "cappuccino," "espresso," or "americano."
Customization: If you want to customize your coffee, you can specify the details, such as "decaf," "iced," "extra hot," or "half-and-half."
Remember that being polite and using "please" and "thank you" is always appreciated when ordering.
I hope this helps for your next visit! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
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