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Math Family(천샘의 기하누설)

DAY 1. cap(cip, ceive, cept : hold, take) capture 본문

My english story/Vocabulary

DAY 1. cap(cip, ceive, cept : hold, take) capture

1000기누설 2021. 2. 19. 01:45


Day 01 .mp3

cap(cip, ceive, cept) : capture

1.capable : cap(잡다) + able(할수있는), (capability, capacity) : a very capable attorney

attorney 1.변호사 2. 지방 검사 3.법무장관 4.법정대리인 5. 위임장

defense attorney 1. 피고측 변호사 2. 죄를 변호하는 변호사

attorney general 1. (A- G-) (연방 정부의) 법무 장관 2. (미) (각 주의) 주 최고 법무관 3. (A- G-) (영) 법무 총재  4. 사법 장관  5. (몇몇 주에서) 검찰관

state attorney 1. (미) 주 (지방) 검사  2. 주측(州側) 대리인

district attorney  1. (미) 지방 검사 2. (약어)D.A., Dist. Atty.



capability단어장 저장 1.능력  2.가능성 3.재능

nuclear capability (나라의) 핵보유 능력

defense capability1. 방위력 2. 국방역량

military capability군사력

first-strike capability(핵전쟁에서의) 선제 공격 능력

defensive defense capability수세적 방어능력

positive defense capability적극적 방어능력

unit capability factor발전소별 이용율

high capability explosive고성능 폭약

all-weather capability전천후 능력

mission capability statement임무능력기술

military capability assessment군사능력평가

short-time capability단시간 용량

second strike capability제2격 능력

capability to win이겨낼 


Russian authorities claim that their nuclear weapons are kept under control safely and reliably and protected against terrorists' attempts to steal nuclear materials or devices necessary for nuclear weapons capabilities. (Edu times)러시아 당국은 그들의 핵무기가 안전하고 믿을 수 있게 통제하에 있으며 테러리스트들이 핵무기 능력에 필요한 핵물질이나 장치를 훔쳐내려는 시도로부터 보호받고 있다고 주장한다.


Most of all, it is important not to set a goal that is beyond one's physical capabilities. (Edu times)무엇보다도, 개인의 신체적 능력을 벗어난 목표를 세우지 않는 것이 중요하다


Choreographers should utilize the performers' capabilities and design striking moves for them to express on the stage. (Junior Edu times)안무가들은 연기자들의 능력을 활용하여 그들이 무대에서 표현할 수 있도록 빼어난 동작들을 만들어야 한다.


The little resources North Korea has are used to support and develop its military and defense capabilities. (Edu times)북한이 가진 적은 자원들은 군사력과 자위력을 개발하고 지원하는데 사용되고 있다.


Despite these concerns, there is no doubt that the Surion project has led Korea one step closer to independent aerospace production capabilities. (Edu times)이러한 걱정에도 불구하고 수리온 프로젝트가 한국을 독립적 항공우주 생산 능력에 한 걸음 더 가까이 한 것은 분명하다.


Consequently, citizens have suffered for decades and continue to suffer and starve while weapons capabilities progress. (Edu times)그 결과, 무기의 성능은 향상되는 반면 시민들은 수십 년 동안 계속해서 고통 받고 굶어왔다.


It was also reported that al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden tried several times to acquire nuclear materials and develop nuclear capabilities. (Edu times)또한 오사마 빈라덴이 이끄는 알카에다가 핵물질을 입수하고 핵 능력 개발을 여러 차례 시도하였다고 보고 되었다.



2.capture : cap(잡다) + ture(명접), (captive, captivity, captivate) : be captured on police video cameras


3.anticipate : anti(먼저) + cip(취하다) +ate(동접), (anticipation, unanticipated) : anticipate the future


4.participate : part(부분)+cip(취하다)+ate(동접), (participation, participant) : participate more actively in class


5.conceive : con(완전히)+ceive(취하다), (concept, conception, conceit) : conceive a passion for music


6.deceive : de(떨어진, 나쁜)+ceive(취하다), (deception, deceit, deceptive) : deceive the public for years

  • We give them lots of instruction, and we never ever deceive them. (TED)우리는 그들에게 많은 지침을 주지만, 절대로 그들을 기만하지 않습니다.소리듣기
  • To enjoy being deceived, an audience must first suspend its disbelief. (TED)속임을 당하는 것을 즐기려면 관중들은 우선 불신감을 저만치 밀쳐 둬야 하죠.소리듣기
  • Now, we call that a deceptive cadence, because it deceives us. (TED)이런 것을 '속임수 마무리'라고 부릅니다. 속임수를 쓰니까요.소리듣기
  • We deceive to gain advantage and to hide our weaknesses. (TED)우리는 유리한 위치를 차지하고 약점을 감추려고 거짓말을 하지요.소리듣기
  • Hwang deceived the international public and hurt South Korea on many levels. (NE TIMES)황교수는 국제사회를 속였고 많은 부분에서 한국에 상처를 주었다.소리듣기
  • Companies habitually, intentionally and unabashedly deceive consumers and distort the market. (TED)기업들은 습관적, 의도적, 염치없이 소비자를 속이고 시장을 왜곡한다.소리듣기
  • And it reiterates that distortion is a constant, and our eyes are easily deceived. (TED)반복해서 강조할 점은, 왜곡은 언제나 일어나고 우리의 눈은 쉽게 속아 넘어갑니다.


7.perceive : per(완전히)+ceive(취하다), (perception, perceptual) : perceive reality accurately

 -realize, appreciate, recognize


8.receive : re(다시)+ceive(취하다), (receipt, reception, receptive) : You will receive an e-mail with your audition time and place.


9.accept : ac(~쪽으로)+cept(취하다), (acceptable, acceptance) : accept a job offer from Dr. Gilber.


10.contraception : contra(~에 반대하여)+cept(취하다)+ion(명접) : one of the most effective methods of contraception


11.except : ex(밖으로) + cept(취하다), (exception, exceptional) : The store is open every day except Sunday.


12.intercept : inter(사이에)+cept(취하다), (interception) : intercept a secret massage


13.susceptible : sus(아래에서)+cept(취하다)+ible(할수있는) : Teenagers are more susceptible to pop culture.

  -receptive, responsive, sensitive



cap(cab,chief) 머리 head : cap(머리)+al(명접) , (capitalism, capitalist) : private capital


15.cap : a blue baseball cap


16.cape : Keith was wearing a new cape


17.cabbage : cab(머리) + age(명접) : Wash the cabbage in cold water


18.chief : the chief executive officer


19.achieve : a(~에)+chieve(머리) , (achievement) : achieve a high degree of transparency

  -accomplish, fulfill, attain


20.chef : our chef's famous tomato soup


cede(ceed, cess) : 가다. process

21.precede : pre(먼저)+cede(가다), (preceding, precedent, precedence, unprecedented) : The subject percedes the verb.


22.recede : re(뒤로)+cede(가다), (recess, recession) : The tides slowly receded.


23.procede : pro(앞으로)+cede(가다), (process, procession) : proceed with presentation.


24.exceed : ex(밖으로)+ceed(가다), (excess, excessive) : exceed the speed limit.


25.succeed : suc(sub,아래에)+ceed(가다), (success, successful, succession, successive, successor) : succeed in business.


26.access : ac(ad,~에)+cess(가다), (accessible, accessibility) : have access to the internet


27.predecessor : pre(이전에)+de(아래로)+cess(가다)+or(사람) : be introduced by the predecessor


28.incessant : in(not)+cess(가다)+ant(형접) : the incessant noise of cars and buses























1. capable : He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. You are capable of better work than this. He's a very capable teacher. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.
 * capability : Animals in the zoo have lost the capability to catch food for themselves.  beyond/within the capabilities of current technology. Age affects the range of a person's capabilities.
 *capacity : The theatre has a seating capacity of 2000. She has an enormous capacity for hard work. Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products. We are simply involved in an advisory capacity on the project.
2. capture : carbon capture and storage. data capture. the capture of enemy territory. capture a tiger alive. He managed to evade capture.His paintings capture the essence of France. The company is out to capture the Canadian market.
 * captive : captive animals. captive breeding. be taken captive. 
 * captivity : in captivity. redeem a person from captivity. an escape from captivity. deliverance from captivity. breed animals in captivity. live in captivity. hold in captivity.
 * captivate(=enchant) : captivate a person. captivate a man. captivate an audience.

